Noob question

By mickcatron, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

So, first time I've run into this and wasn't quite sure how it worked.

Runner makes a run on the server with a single unrezzed piece of Ice. Ice is then rezzed, but the runner isn't strong enough to encounter the ice.

My question is, do the subroutines go off and the he continues, or does the run just end because he does not have the strength to encounter the Ice?


The subroutines go off and the runner suffers the effects. If one of the Subroutines is End The Run, then the run ends, otherwise the runner continues

STR only applies to icebreakers interacting with the ice. The *runner* doesn't ever have STR.

There is no such thing as not being strong enough to encounter ICE. If you approach a piece of ICE which is rezzed, you WILL encounter it (unless you have a card that says otherwise).

Strength on the runner's side, as Grimwalker points out, is a property of Icebreakers, not the runner. It is used only to determine if your Icebreakers can interact with encountered ICE or not.

Thank, you. That is what I though, sorry for the incorrect terminology, I do know tha the STR belongs to the ICE not the runner.