600 Point 2v2 - Defend the Star Destroyer game

By DarkFather, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Well, today being a public holiday in Australia, 3 other X-wing players and myself found ourselves with an entire hobby store to ourselves. So we decided to try out a game using my Star Destroyer Tabletop. 2x 100 point Imperial lists and a 100 point value Star Destroyer vs 300 points of Rebels. Many ideas were thrown around the table at the start, and many ideas were realised to be 'not so good' during the game and these ideas were worked on and changed. But before I get to that, some pics and the lists that were involved...

Imperial -

Star Destroyer = Destroy 2x Shield Generators (3 Hull + 3 Shields each), then deal 10 damage to 3x pre chosen 'locations', all while dodging the 2 shots each from 8x PS 0 RB 1-3 Laser Batteries with 1 Hull + 2 Shields each (the bases in the pics). By the end of the game, all the above was dropped for a better plan next time we try this out. Deployment (also changed since the game) was at opposite short table edges (overall table space was 4' x 8').

Player 1:


Player 2:


Player 3:


Player 4:


I'll start the battle pics in the next post...


The Rebels Deploy their measly fleet....


While the valiant Imperials prepare to defend the Star Destroyer Avenger!!!


This is where we realise the error in our deployment rules... movement was slow and took ages before the first shots were fired....



Turn 1:


Turn 2:


Turn 3:



More to come...

BTW - the bases in the pics are our stand in laser batteries... sorry - gotta get the finer details built yet... been a busy year so far for me.

Turn 4:



After 4 wasted turns of moving... we finally start to see some action (big changes in deployment came from this - as you will see in the post after all the pics)...

Turn 5:



Turn 6:




More to come...

Turn 7:




Turrets were used as being 2 Shots RB1-3 1 Hull & 2 Shields - all has changed now.


Shield Generators were 3 Hull + 3 Shields - again changed...


More to come...

Turn 8:


TIE/ln swarm is slowly taking care of business, but suffering appalling wounds in the process...


**** Biggs and his loadout - as well as the terrible damage rolls of the pilot controlling the Port guns (and Interceptor swarm)... Biggs was dodging shots left and right while merrily chipping away at one of the Shield Generators - laughing at the Laser Batteries and Interceptors failed attempts at killing him...


Turn 9:


Slowly but surely the TIE/ln swarm began to take control of the starboard side of the Avenger...


More to come...

Turn 10:


Turn 11:


Just die alreadt Rebel Scum...


Biggs!!!!! GRRRR


Turn 13:

Biggs has done it, the 1st of the Shield Generators is down!!!


Turn 14:

the Starboard Rebel force is routed - time to help out the Port side. Luke moves in to help out Biggs, Noooooo!


More to come...

Edited by DarkFather

Unfortunately time beat us, and the final pic taken didn't do the Rebels justice... they managed to take down both Shield Generators, but had no time to focus on the bridge. time was called, and much talking was done.


Since I've been home, I have edited/rotated the pics above, uploaded them and posted the above. All the time conversing with one of the rebel players, and we have come up with the following rough rules for our next playtest...

I thank Luke for his input with the following ideas...

Battle over the Star Destroyer Avenger
* Rebel deployment - RB1 from any table edge - must be a minimum of RB2 away from Imperial deployment zones however.
* Imperial deployment - RB1 from declared bay entrances on Star Destroyer itself.
Star Destroyer shields/hull points/weapons loadout
* 2x Shield Generators = 5 Hull + 3 Shields each with 1 Agility & 0 Damage dice.
* Bridge = 10 Hull Points with 1 Agility & 0 Damage dice.
* 8x Laser Batteries = 2 Hull Points each, 4x Port and 4x Starboard, each with 1 Agility & 2 Damage dice.
Star Destroyer Point breakdown
* Shield Generator = 15 Points each
* Bridge = 15 Points
* Laser Batteries = 10 Points each
* Total = 125 Points - Round up to 150 Points of value in equal points of Rebel ships.
Special Rules
* Turrets and Bridge may not be directly targetted unless both Shield Generators have been destroyed.
* Pilot Skill 1 for Shooting and ' Shield Regeneration ' special rule.
* SHIELD REGENERATION - ACTION : While both Shield Generators have at least 1 Hull Point remaining roll a single Agility die. On an 'Evade' result choose one Shield Generator. Restore 1 shield on the chosen Shield Generator (up to a maxium of 3 shields).
* " Cinematic Rule : Purchase Arvel Crynyd at normal cost, beginning with 0 shields and the damage card 'Console Fire' face up. Arvel Crynyd may destroy the Star Destroyer by overlapping it's bridge. All rules and card text are to be followed as per usual."
I hope to post pics of our next playtest. We plan on running 150 points of Rebels against the Avenger on it's own (no support fighter) just to see how it performs.

This is one of the best looking star destroyers I've seen. What did you build it out of?

This is one of the best looking star destroyers I've seen. What did you build it out of?

If you look at the main X-wing forum page look at the 7th post down. It's my complete building blog for the star Destroyer. Cheers.

Great job on your Avenger! The ship looks great. I noticed in a couple of shots that some of the ships were leaning from one level to the next. How did you deal with movement/range in that scenario? Also next time you should get a table under the destroyer painted black with a star field as it will really make your pictures that much cooler. Good job on the rules too so far. Keep play testing and keep posting updates.

Great job on your Avenger! The ship looks great. I noticed in a couple of shots that some of the ships were leaning from one level to the next. How did you deal with movement/range in that scenario? Also next time you should get a table under the destroyer painted black with a star field as it will really make your pictures that much cooler. Good job on the rules too so far. Keep play testing and keep posting updates.

Already have another playtest session set up for tomorrow morning (10hrs away)... there WILL be a black surface this time around, trust me!


Hi all;

Well today we tried out 'balancing points' for the Star Destroyer. We Have decided to change 1 or 2 things, and reckon the SD should be 'pointed' at 150 points. To put this to the test, we sent 2 different players and squads up against the SD with no support ships.

First game was the Star Destroyer vs. Falcon and 2 Y-Wings.


We decided to use the Deployment Rules from the new Epic Play pdf, since we were on a 4'x8' board, we Deployed the Rebels at RB3.




Last night, after posting the original thread/pics, I decided to make some 'markers' for the Weapon Load-out of the Destroyer. 3x Turbo Lasers and 1x Ion Canon on each of the Port and Starboard sides. These will be built up and placed in a more permanent fashion (probably tomorrow).


The Falcon leads the charge, the Y-wings held back slightly to see what sort of onslaught the bird would take.



More to come...

Even at only 2 Attack Die for each gun, the damage output on the single agility Falcon was horrendous. Even when it had a 2nd agility die, it didn't seem to help to much. Also, we had upgraded the weapon ranges for the Destroyer's weapons to RB5.


Even with the damage piling up, the Falcon was unrelenting in it's goal. It managed to reduce the shields and even dealt hull damage to both the Shield Generators before it went down.




With the Falcon down, the Y-wings fell into attack position and started their run.


So many guns, so little room to move among the hail of fire.


Ahhh! Poetic Justice... Imperial Style!


You can run Dutch, but you can't hide. That trick only works once, and only with the Falcon. ;)


The Rebels managed to take out 1 Shield Generator and had the other damaged but not out of commision. The Port and Starboard guns on the Avenger did their jobs and reduced the Y-wings to space dust.

There was no time to relax however. Long range sensors picked up a squad of 4 X-wings and 2 A-wings closing in. there would barely be enough time to repair and refurbish before the next wave arrived.

Would the Avenger hold off another attack? Only time would tell.

More to come...

Our 2nd test game today consisted of...

Wedge, Luke, Biggs, Garven, Arvel (using our 'Cinematic' Special Rule),and a Green Squadron A-wing.

The 'flight' started up the centre of the Avengers Prow, but the wing realised the folly of trying to fly between the 2 batteries of the Star Destroyers weapons, so they peeled to the Starboard side, figuring it would be more survivable to only take shots from 4 guns instead of 8.


Using the new Epic Rules (and the Avenger ignoring Biggs' ability), Garven and Biggs wore the brunt of the battery fire, both eventually going down before getting to fire a single shot. Meanwhile, Arvel (already heavily damaged - Cinematic Rule) hung back waiting for his moment. The Green Squadron A-wing barrelled up the side of the table, hoping the X-wings would take the heat of him as he positioned for a rear assault on the Generators and the bridge (if the chance arose). It worked and the Green Squadron Pilot made it to his position. With Garven and Biggs gone, Wedge (using his ability - which seems to still work) and Luke made short work of the 1st Generator.


After a precise shot from the Port Ion Canon, Wedge ran into the other Shield Generator but managed to dodge taking any damage. Luke ripped into the shields and the Green squadron A-wing positioned to unload into the rear of the Avengers Bridge. Dodging all incoming shots, the 3 ships manoeuvred and destroyed the 2nd Generator. Arvel changed course, and made a b-line (That should be an A-line ;) ) for the bridge. However the Starboard Ion Canon managed to take him out. :(


After that, Luke Wedge and the Green Squadron pilot took out the bridge with a single round of RB1 shooting.

After some chatting and mulling over ideas it was agreed that the 'rules' for facing the Avenger (with or without support ships) would be rewritten as such....

Battle over the Star Destroyer Avenger
* Rebel deployment - RB3 from furthest table edge from the Bridge of the Avenger - as per the new Epic Deployment Rules. (RB3 because the overall table length is 8 feet).
Star Destroyer shields/hull points/weapons loadout
* 2x Shield Generators = 5 Hull + 5 Shields each with 1 Agility & 0 Damage dice.
* Bridge = 10 Hull Points with 1 Agility & 0 Damage dice.
* 2x Ion Canons & 6x Laser Batteries = 2 Hull Points each, 1x Ion and 3x Laser on each of the Port and Starboard, each with 1 Agility & 2 Damage dice.
Star Destroyer Point breakdown
* Shield Generator = 15 Points each
* Bridge = 15 Points
* Weapon Batteries = 10 Points each
* Total = 125 Points - Round up to 150 Points of value in equal points of Rebel ships.
Special Rules
* Turrets and Bridge may not be directly targeted until at least ONE Shield Generator has been destroyed.
* Pilot Skill 1 for Shooting and 'Shield Regeneration' special rule.
* SHIELD REGENERATION - ACTION: While both Shield Generators have at least 1 Hull Point remaining roll a single Agility die. On an 'Evade' result choose one Shield Generator. Restore 1 shield on the chosen Shield Generator (up to a maximum of 5 shields).
* Cinematic Rule: Purchase Arvel Crynyd at normal cost, beginning with 0 shields and the damage card 'Console Fire' face up. Arvel Crynyd may destroy the Star Destroyer by overlapping it's bridge. All rules and card text are to be followed as per usual."
I guess Test #4 will be next in the next couple of days. Using larger fleets (probably 200 + Destroyer equivalent - see above), probably 4 players as well. More fun with more players.

How did you create such a good table?

How did you create such a good table?

The link to the Build Thread is here .


Point of order. The epic rules don't say the avenger ignores Biggs' ability, they say that rebel huge ships aren't protected by his ability. Imperial huge ships still have to target Biggs instead of other friendly ships within range 1 of him.

The whole thing does look truly epic BTW.

Edited by Forgottenlore

Just amazing! I'm love the rules and the photos. Have you added any more rules after the last battle.

Great work guys!

The true battles are so much more fun than the squadron v. squadron stuff.

We have a 1200 v.1200 scenario that my friend and I can start once I get my pre-ordered CR90's in. We'll have to make due with skirmishes and theory crafting until then.

This will be a tri-level operation. Dug spies reached out to the Rebels, but were paid only after their story was vetted by Master Skywalker himself. The Dugs worked in the new industrial city of 005-A on the small planet Nervae, and have told the Rebel hierarchy some troubling news.

Physically, low orbit involves (1) 68" x 48" wooden map with space cloth on top and black felt beneath and a similarly adorned 36" x 36" space map that is buttressed to the main map to have a place for the two CR90's to come out of hyperspace. (you know how ships have to come out of hyperspace a little bit from their destination planet ... or they could runinto space junk or the planet itself!)

So -- the Rebels have to work through the Empires forces in space, then a little fun begins. They must descend Nervae's "atmosphere" in the form of a (1) 40" x 60" wooden map that is sky blue cloth wrapped around and goes from the table to the floor. I purchased red double-sided masking tape for the rebels and green double-sided masking tape for the Empire to match their weapon color.

Finally, there is an Empyreal fighter factory [that I kind of based on the Mercedes factory about 2.5 hrs from here in Alabama. They can quickly retool the plant to make various cars depending on demand across the world.] By soundly logistically marshaling his free energy supply, the rarer of the ore's needed, quadanium steel) (common titanium being the other) the Emperor has designed and constructed a plant that will be able to completely refit it's TIE fabrication bays within 10 days or less. The Emperor has created a depth chart on demand for his various TIEs w/o wasting resources earmarked for other projects in the Galaxy. This is why the Emperor built it on a smallish planet named Nervae.

[This formally inconsequential planet is the unaccounted for planet that appeared behind Boba Fett when he first met Luke Skywalker.]

It's sentient denizens are millennia from hyperspace travel, and, yes, it has a sentient indigenous population (**cough** slaves **cough**) but most importantly, it's flush with two very important things: an impressive supply of plasma to power the industrial city, the factory and the fleet stationed there.

As the Rebels destroy the two shield generator supplies and enter the city there are alternate conditions of victory:

(1) Deathmatch and Rebels conquer - the ultimate win - destroy all the Empire's forces and the Rebels will own and use the facility and give them supplies for the resources they take (Manhattan Indian Beads anyone?, but without the slave labor of course.) Jared will get 2 +1 hull cards and 2 +1 shield cards he can put them anywhere he wants with our 100 - 100 (and they don't count as points.) games for 3 weeks.

(2)Deathmatch and Rebels destroyed - the ultimate loss and humiliation. (There is a way to avoid this if he can figure it out.) The plant, and within standard weeks, will be a logistic clockwork of precision. It will be greatly reinforced and the Rebels have lost their chance.

(3)The Rebels take out the marked targets ... a little too well. As shown in The Phantom Menace the blue balls the Gungan's threw exploded. Those were plasma balls. The Rebels will be racking up points until they hit the Plasma Core Energy Reactor. The worst scenario happens in their eyes. The huge deposit of pressurized underground plasma, seismically rigged by the Emperor so if he needed to destroy the resources and the factory to prevent the rebels from acquiring so be it, goes off, unbelievably super-critically. All Rebel ships and personnel are casualties.11,000,000,000,000 cubic meters of ash permeate the stratosphere, creating an ELE for the indigenous people.

Ships come in waves so no traffic jams, but there will be BIG fights!

Personally I think that you should remove the agility from the Destroyer (or make it reroll sucessful evades at least) becasue even though it is moving it is still "stationary" relative to the snubfighters, it doesn't feel right giving a stationary turret the same chance to avoid damage that a Y-Wing, Falcon, or Lambda has. Also with the Integration of the new Huge Ship rules maybe some of the turrets should be replaced with the turbolaser cards, double agility for snubfighters being shot at, (albeit with the higher attacks)

With the release of the Huge Ship rules, I am currently looking at changing certain thing... The Agility on the turrets/bridge/SG's is something that I am looking into also.


Very enjoyable.

Good job on making the Avenger.

I hope to see another battle report soon.

Hi All;

This next post isn't about the Star Destroyer, or even a full game. My friend and I tried our hand at an Epic (scale) game. 300 points each, but unfortunately our LGS had to close at a certain time and we were unable to finish the game. That aside, I wanted to post pics etc concerning how far we got, and what we used... (and there's even a video!!! of sorts)

Ships to be used in the combat: I was playing the good guys, Luke was playing the Rebels ;)





1st turn:


2nd Turn: Chewbacca all shields down and minus 1 wound, all my ships unhurt. Carnor was 'priority target' for the Rebels. Target locks and focused fire from everywhere, and he managed to live, unscathed!!! Woohoo!


Turn 3: Carnor once again was the 'dodge-master', it was ridiculously unbelievable all the shots he avoided with only 1 hit getting past the dice and in turn removing his shield upgrade. LOL. Chewbacca was down to his last 2 wounds, and Cptn Jonus had been demolished by Wedge and an A-wing.


Turn 4: It was turning into a mosh pit. Bumps everywhere and neither of us willing to 'leave the fray' for fear of being followed or K-turned on and demolished. Again Carnor dodged his way to living. Turr had removed Chewbacca's last wounds and Wedge was starting to take a leaf out of Carnor's book, and somehow managed to live through a barrage of fire.


Turn 5: Kath Scarlett and Backstabber and my Alpha Squadron Pilot were now involved in the battle. Finally, Wedge had been taken out by the Lambda Shuttle, but unfortunately Wedge's bad luck followed Carnor and he finally died to the unrelenting fire storm he had faced since turn 2.


Turn 6: A terrible bit of flying on my behalf saw Turr hung up on an asteroid and duly blown away by the 2 B-wings. Backstabber made his presence felt by destroying the A-wing. At this point the LGS owner asked us to begin packing up as the store was closing and we had easily another 1hr - 1hr 30 mins to play, so the game ended there. Points wise, it was Rebels lost Wedge + A-wing + Chewbacca. I had lost Turr + Jonus + Carnor. I was barely ahead on points at this time.


Video of the turns...


We currently have planned a 300 point Epic (Scale) match for this Saturday which we will definitely have time to finish. I will be posting a separate thread on that game. It 'may' even have at least 1 Transport involved in the game, but that will depend on the delivery man for the LGS.


Edited by DarkFather

That white chair could be used for Hoth when playing scenarios involving the transport escaping the planet.


I'm sorry to necro your post, but I just found this through TUZ's showcase...

Where did those shield tokens come from???