
By ahriman2, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hi Anima-Fans,

does anybody know if there are rules out there for technomantic artifacts like the ones Wissenschaft uses?

Maybe in a book, that is not published on english?



is the technomancy, Like Magitech in exalted, steam punk style tech explained by magic, more ff7 technology. drain the life stream for power and flying plane and moter cycles and strange soldairs? some blending of all of thee above. is there any good refrence material.

Yes i get the impression that the Technomancy is steam punkish, however the Tear Crystals I would guess have some other force behind them that is completly absent from the world that the game takes place in.

One of my players asked if there was material for that world as well, and I simply told him that if they had presented the game in that world and no the one they give you to start with, you would be asking to play in that one. People always want what they do no have. If you really want to play in the world of the Technocray I suggest playing in the regular world until you are sufficantly board with it. With all of the political tention, the many factions each of which could have a campign of its own, AND the freaking Imperium, That should take you many years of steady playing to become sufficatnly "been there done that" in the anima world.

Also if you want to do a dungen crawl they give you the Soul Clock Yaagrsil to satasfie that power gaming urge.

Is there a description of how technomancy works?