Entering Combat

By RoBro, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I know before you enter combat each player roles for initiative.

Do suprised enemys roll to because what happens when you try to attack a suprised opponent but he wins the initiative. Does the opponent have a crazy twitch and attack you? Im confused?

Also what counts as officially entering combat.

When you ambush an opponent or otherwise unexpectedly attack them, they are considered to be surprised. When an opponent is surprised, they are unable to act for the first round of combat. So, when everyone rolls Inititive, you can go ahead and have the surprised party roll theirs as well to save time latter on, just remember, they won't be able to act for the first round of combat.

An example:

Psam the Psychotic Scum is laying in wait for Bobus the recidivist and his guards in a dark ally near their layer. He succeeds at his concealment check and the recidivist and his body guards all fail on theirs. The stage is set for the perfect ambush. When they get close enough, Psam's player informs the GM that Psam leaps from his hiding place flying into the guards with his blades in hand. Combat officially begins and all parties roll inititive.

Psam gets a total of 6, the guards (rolled for in one group) get a 9 total, and the recidivist gets a 5. The guards win the inititive, but that will only count after Psams surprise screaming sneak attack since no one spotted him until the trap was sprung. So, round 1, Psam gets to be the only person to act as all others are surprised. After round one, any guards that are left will get to act, then Psam, then, finally, the recidivist can do something.

Surprising the enemy effectively gives the aggressor a free round to do what ever they wish before the enemy can respond (unless they have lighting reflexes of course ;-) )

Surprising the enemy effectively gives the aggressor a free round to do what ever they wish before the enemy can respond (unless they have lighting reflexes of course ;-) )

While Lightning Reflexes are quite helpful too, I'd prefer Rapid Reaction in this situation - which of course brings me back to the question of why the Gunslinger has this and several other talents other careers get somewhen around Rank 7, but is missing frickin' Quick Draw. Oh well...

And I've just looked over the Eldar stats we have by now... Lightning Reflexes and Unnatural Agility would mean they get a +20 to their initiative. Ouch.

Cifer said:

Surprising the enemy effectively gives the aggressor a free round to do what ever they wish before the enemy can respond (unless they have lighting reflexes of course ;-) )

While Lightning Reflexes are quite helpful too, I'd prefer Rapid Reaction in this situation - which of course brings me back to the question of why the Gunslinger has this and several other talents other careers get somewhen around Rank 7, but is missing frickin' Quick Draw. Oh well...

And I've just looked over the Eldar stats we have by now... Lightning Reflexes and Unnatural Agility would mean they get a +20 to their initiative. Ouch.

Ah crappers, I meant Rapid Reaction. That'll teach me to post something in the rules section without having my book handy for reference:-X