Quick strike

By dizpatcher, in Rules questions & answers

Can quick strike exhaust an attacker to attack a player in the staging area?

While I'm at it. Is Dunhere's ability to strke in the staging area only done during the combat phase?

And while I'm at it again, are Secret Path and Radagast' Cunning played before staging new cards (shadow cards) to the staging area?

Thanx again for all of you people and your expertise.

1- quick strike only works against "eligible" targets. If the enemy is in the staging area, the enemy is not "eligible" for standard combat and you can't use it.... unless you are Dunhere. So to answer your second question:

2- You can use quick strike with Dunhere to attack an enemy in the staging area outside of the combat phase.

3- Use them after the cards have been revealed and added to the staging area. These cards are "actions" and you have to wait for an action window to use them. You have an action window after the staging step is complete, but before quest resolution. Use these cards then. You could, if you want to, use them to target enemies/locations that are already in the staging area before the staging step.

Perfect. Thank you.