Invader exploration

By Skinback, in Doom

Simple question really just to settle between me and my mate.

We are playing first secnario and i got to the ne room. few dudes there but my plan was run through hope 4 luck and get through red door. Well my mate had a plan used an invader to open another door not yet explored to try and bring more invaders in. We had a disscussion read the rules. Nothing says he can or cant i feel he cant he feels he can. Any foughts please. gran_risa.gif

Invaders can't open doors to unrevealed areas. Take scenario 1, if you take the north door to the two long corridors (with 3 total door at the ends) and then enter area 2 (red key room), invader can't open the door leading to the west (going by memory) corridors.

thanks Dam.

i'm his opponent happy.gif

You know, I was going to say he can't, but rereading the rules, I cannot see anywhere that says he can't, even in the FAQ. Which is weird, because it *is* in the rules for Descent.

Following the RAW, an Invader could open a door to an unrevealed section but would not be able to actually reveal it until a Marine had LOS to that section. If that happened to be the same turn, then he'd instantly reveal it.

For that very reason, I'm positive the creators never intended for the Invader to be able to open doors to unrevealed sections (which is against the rules in Descent). What happens if a Marine doesn't have LOS? Can the Invader move off the board? If so, where to? etc. Also note that scuttle can only happen to a section that has been revealed, following the same pattern.


Smash card reads:

"Play at the start of your turn. Remove one door (even a locked door) or one obstacle token from the board. You cannot remove a door leading into an unrevealed area."

Would be kinda weird is you couldn't Smash a door to an unrevealed area, but you could just open it gran_risa.gif .

Good answers guys ty. We decide as a go between he can open the door as if memory goes he can do but on the smash card he cant. He couldnt move in there though. My thinking was going by the computer game. no monster would jump up and say ok going to help my guys open a door and let them in he would just go straight for the marine. Think me and mike are just looking to what your foughts are and if you say no we go with that depends how many answer lol.

Dam said:

Smash card reads:

"Play at the start of your turn. Remove one door (even a locked door) or one obstacle token from the board. You cannot remove a door leading into an unrevealed area."

Would be kinda weird is you couldn't Smash a door to an unrevealed area, but you could just open it gran_risa.gif .

Oh, I know, which is why I think its weird. We certainly are going to play that the Invader cannot open a door to an unrevealed area, however I could see a rules-lawyer saying that strictly by RAW, they *can* open doors...


I can see the game become impossible for the Marines if Invader was allowed to open new areas. Take Scenario 1, as soon as the Marines open the door to the double-corridor (connecting red and blue key rooms), Invader then opens the door to the BFG-code corridor, those Invaders open the door to the BFG-End room corridor, those open the doors to those rooms, suddenly there a insane amounts of open space and monsters, not to mention crazy spots for spawning. Invader could easily block Marines from forward-spawning by placing his Invaders in a huge flesh block (as Marines don't have any real access to blast-weapons at that point, just 2 'nades).

I know, I agree with you, and I will never play that the Invader can open doors to unrevealed areas. I'm just noting that there's a slight anomoly in the rules that should have an "official" FAQ explanation. Because otherwise, as it stands in the RAW, the Invader technically can open doors to unrevealed areas...


Well guys good answers think we are thinking on the same lines in a way.

going by the rules this can happen.

1 a invader can open the door

2 area will not be revilled (untill marine has los)

3 invader cant enter unrevilled areas

That would be the closest we can get to keeping to the rules.

Btw me and mike just played scenario 2 what a hard one for a lone marine but a good one though cant wait to try No3 im marine mike the invader.we are taking it in turns to see how game goes.