Question regarding Vitality potions and Fatigue.

By Wayfindre, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Heres the situation:

Hero needs to inflict 2 wounds in damage AFTER making his attack but only has 1 Fatigue left, therefore would ONLY be able to inflict at least one more damage (power enhancement). Can the hero spend that point to gain a Movement point? Which he then would use to drink a Vitality potion in order to have more fatigue to enhance his attack?

It just seems "odd" to me that after an attack, the hero stops and drinks a potion so he can THEN inflict more wounds?? I see where the rules state, " At any time during a hero’s turn, he may spend one fatigue to gain one movement point " BUT, it then later states, " After rolling an attack, a hero may spend one fatigue to roll one additional power die, adding its result to the roll. This may be done as often as the hero desires, one die at a time ." The second statement kind of sounds limiting to me, as in, fatigue may ONLY be spent after an attack to gain more power dice and NOT a movement point until after the attack is resolved. I have no problem with a Hero drinking the potion BEFORE or AFTER he rolls dice for the attack, just doesn't seem "right" DURING the attack.


Wayfindre said:

Heres the situation:

Hero needs to inflict 2 wounds in damage AFTER making his attack but only has 1 Fatigue left, therefore would ONLY be able to inflict at least one more damage (power enhancement). Can the hero spend that point to gain a Movement point? Which he then would use to drink a Vitality potion in order to have more fatigue to enhance his attack?

It just seems "odd" to me that after an attack, the hero stops and drinks a potion so he can THEN inflict more wounds?? I see where the rules state, " At any time during a hero’s turn, he may spend one fatigue to gain one movement point " BUT, it then later states, " After rolling an attack, a hero may spend one fatigue to roll one additional power die, adding its result to the roll. This may be done as often as the hero desires, one die at a time ." The second statement kind of sounds limiting to me, as in, fatigue may ONLY be spent after an attack to gain more power dice and NOT a movement point until after the attack is resolved. I have no problem with a Hero drinking the potion BEFORE or AFTER he rolls dice for the attack, just doesn't seem "right" DURING the attack.


Absolutely not. If he spending a fatigue to gain a MP, he's moving or doing some kind of moving action. He can not spend a fatigue in the middle of resolving an attack to drink a potion, and then finish resolving the attack.

I'm fairly new to the game as well, but i believe that you can drink the power potion (that adds 5 black dice to the attck) AFTER you make the initial roll to attack, so i don't know why you wouldn't be able to drink a Different type of potion after you roll to attack.

That's my initial thought. Any vetrans out their might be able to quote us the applicable rule(s).

Big Remy said:

Absolutely not. If he spending a fatigue to gain a MP, he's moving or doing some kind of moving action. He can not spend a fatigue in the middle of resolving an attack to drink a potion, and then finish resolving the attack.

I stand corrected!

Lord_Nerdhammer said:

I'm fairly new to the game as well, but i believe that you can drink the power potion (that adds 5 black dice to the attck) AFTER you make the initial roll to attack, so i don't know why you wouldn't be able to drink a Different type of potion after you roll to attack.

That's my initial thought. Any vetrans out their might be able to quote us the applicable rule(s).

Just for clarification:

You can't drink a power potion to add 5 black dice to the attack roll after you've made the roll.

Power Potions (from the WoD rulebook):

A hero may drink one of the power potions he has equipped by spending 1 movement point. A hero who drinks a power potion rolls all 5 power dice on his next attack. The attack does not have to be made on the same turn that the potion is drunk, but the effect is canceled if the hero is killed or drinks another potion before making an attack.

Putting aside the quesiton of drinking a potion mid-attack, even if you could it would apply to the next attack, not this current one.

No where in the rules does it allow for the drinking of potions or the spending of movement points in the middle of an attack . You can drink a potion in between two attacks of a Battle action however. The attack resolution rules are clearly defined: If its not in there, its not part of the attack. The section in the rules for "spending fatigue" limits you to spending fatigue on adding dice during the attack, the spending of the fatigue does not give movement points in that step.

Remy is correct without question. You can't attack someone, come up short by one range and use a fatigue to move one space closer...which is pretty much what you'd be doing. Attacks can occur in the middle of movement, movement cannot occur in the middle of an attack. Movement can occur before, between, or after attacks, but attacks have to resolve with dice. Adding dice with fatigue after the roll has always seemed to be a pretty special ability to me anyway, since you have the benefit of knowing whether or not you need it, but drinking potions mid attack would be ridiculous. If you think you might need a couple of fatigue for an attack, I suggest you drink that potion before you roll the dice...just in case.

Excellent. Thanks guys. Being new (this came up in our very first game the other day) and not particularly fond of stopping play if I don't know exactly where to look, I let it go but it just didn't seem right. This might have given Narthak another round to thump for me. Oh well. Glad that I'm right though.. I see it the same way as you guys.