Killed? Go to the Graveyard!

By warpish, in Talisman Home Brews

Our group never liked the idea of your character being killed late in the game and having to start all over again.

Taking a page out of the Relic game, when your character is killed, you now have a choice of starting a new character or placing your killed character in the graveyard. You still place all objects and followers on the space you are killed in as usual, but keep everything else(wanted posters, fate, spells, and all strength and craft tokens).

You must miss your next turn when killed while the reaper gives you new life. "I have plans for you!" Regain your lives back up to your starting life value.

So the drawback to being killed would be missing your next turn and having to go pick up all your stuff again. This option can keep you in the late game for sure!


That rule from Relic is basically the opposite of the alternative rule that is in the Talisman Rulebook:

Inherited Items

When a character is killed, the player’s new character may “inherit” the items that his killed character loses.

When a character is killed, his player removes the character card and playing piece from the game, but places any Objects (including Magic Objects), gold, and Followers to one side for the moment, and returns any other Spells, trophies, fate, cards, and counters to the appropriate discard or stockpiles. On the player’s next turn, he starts with a new character drawn at random from the unused character cards as normal. The Objects, gold, and Followers that were put to one side are inherited by the player’s new character and may be used by him as normal. Anything that is not taken by the new character must be placed on his start space.

If a character kills another character during an encounter, he may not take the killed character’s Objects, gold, and Followers since these items will be inherited by a new character.

I most definitely prefer the rule from the Talisman Rulebook as I do not like the fact that the Relic rule allows you to use the same character again. Once a character is killed, it should be replaced with a new character. We never use the inherit rule though unless we are playing with kids!!!

Edited by talismanamsilat

Being a fantasy game with supernatural characters and aspects makes the idea appealing to me, though. I wouldn't have thought of this myself, but now I'm curious to try it.

... But I would still want there to be some lasting effect or price for the resurrected character. Maybe a limitation on their Fate or something.

This just kinda popped into my head while reading this so there's no real thought to it but what about an undead version of yourself? With various lasting effects due to that.