Blood Harvester Frenzy - Duration of Combat

By saeok, in BattleLore

When do Blood Harvesters removed by their Frenzy ability return? The card states to remove them until after this combat. What is combat meant to mean in this context? We've been interpreting it as the sequence of events started when one unit begins it's combat against another, and ending after a potential counter. The wording and some of the posts have left us wondering whether we should be interpreting this as the entire attack sequence - until the next player's command step, or perhaps a full turn, or the entire game. How are others playing this?

The card reads "cause 1 damage, remove 1 figure from this unit after this combat". I read that and have been playing that as removing 1 unit after that group of blood harvesters are done attacking, and removing that figure for the ENTIRE game from there on out. It's my understanding that you do not bring those units back into play under any circumstances.

Aye, Glorious Strategist seems correct to me