overlord can draw an Overlord card when the Reanimate is defeated?

By thejoker, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can the overlord draw an Overlord card when the Reanimate is defeated?

In my opinion he can't 'cause the reanimate is not an hero , the rolebook says about familiars treated as figures:

They may be
targeted and affected by monster attacks, hero abilities, and Overlord
cards that target a hero.

in addiction at pag.15 of the rulebook

When a hero is defeated ... the overlord player may immediately draw one Overlord card

but this is a rolebook rule and not an overlord card

Do you agree?

tank you

Edited by thejoker

He only draws a card for defeating a hero, not something "treated as a hero".

Figures treated as a hero are affected by the following:

- Overlordcards (not: also Plotcards [got an answer from Nathan on this])

- Monsterattacks

- Heroabilities

They are not effected by

- Questrules (like every hero does XY)

- General Rules (Everythiing written in the Baserules, except every section directly addressing figures treated as heroes or familiars treated as figures)

so to answer your question: no, the OL is not allowed to dras an OL-card by killing a familiar!