i have 2 sardines beach special and need 4 amy's and 1 king of fighters 2006 6. i will do 2 beach specials for 2 amy's. if there is anything you might want for anyreason for the reamaning items let me know
JDub's Trade List with Set 12 (11/25)
Dunno what you value that Raging Gnome at but I have 3 Wonderworld Warriors , Berserker Rage, and a Kneel Before me.
Also interested in a Controller of Souls or two. And I guess if you need a Cervantes I have like 6.
Sent you an email, I'm open to counter-offers and can send first.
Um I sent you an email the other day about possibly trading for the street fighter mat. I'm sending you an additional one right now.
Hey JDub, Just sent you an email, but to recap:
I want your Gut Drill (an R). Would you be willing to trade that for an Unnatural Grace (a UR)?
Please consider and let me know.
I want Menuet Dance x3
Check my list @ http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp?efid=31&efcid=5&efidt=198025
I haven't posted my QfS pulls yet but feel free to let me know if you are looking for anyone specific from that set as well