JDub's Trade List with Set 12 (11/25)

By JDub, in UFS Trading

You can email me offers at jdub2386@hotmail.com or post here. Put UFS Trade or something like that in the subject line so I don’t delete it.

Current Refs: +21/-0


- I follow the Refs rule.
- I will only trade within the US and Canada.
- I only want cards in good condition. Most if not all mine are in mint condition, if I'm trading you a card that is messed up I will let you know before hand and trade extra to make up for the condition.
- This is almost every card that I own but everything on here is for trade (if the offer is right). The cards that I will absolutely not trade aren't listed here so don't hesitate to make an offer.



Tekken 6 - T601

Phoenix Smasher – x2
Fruit Picker – x2
King’s Reverse DDT – x2
Law’s Somersault Kick – x2
Blazing Fist
Lightning Uppercut – x2
Ice Pick – x2

Devil Gene
Paul’s Gi – x2
Tekken Forces – x2
Designer Clothes
Purple Army Suit – x2
Jaguar Mask – x2

Proficient Sniper
Toughest in the Universe
Destruction in his Wake – x2

Samba – x2
Knee Thruster – x3
Searching for Family – x2
One with the Rhythm
Evil Intentions – x3
Double Face Kick – x3
Need to Destroy
Ready to Launch
Rolling Sobat – x2
Flinging Half Nelson – x2
The Entertainer – x2
Cold and Indifferent
Lethal Fighting Style – x2
Keep them Down – x2
Overconfidence – x2
Hammer of the Gods – x3
Turn Thruster – x3
The Ultimate Team – x3
Boxing is Life
Killer Android – x3

King. - x2
Nina Williams. - x2
Christie Monteiro.


Stand Off - x4
Shadowar - x2
Tower of Souls - x5
Bloodline Rebellion - x3
Faithful Bodyguard - x4
The Peaceful Way - x4

Wonderworld Comics - x2
Path of the Master - x9

Marius Gaius.
White Crane - x3

Tower of Souls - SCIV01

Raging Gnome
Metuett Dance - x3
Shredding Vibrato
Siegfried's Earth Divide - x2
Double Grounder Beta - x3
Hades - x2
Dark Geo Da Ray - x2
Hades Destroyer - x2
Alshain Najm - x2

Controller of Souls - x3

Hunger for Souls
Corrupting Evil

Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient
Tower of Remembrance - Encounter - x2
Soul Calibur* - x2
Soul Edge*
Kulutues* - x4
Sailor's Rest
Pseudo-Soul Edge - x2
Acheron & Nirvana

Memories that Stain its Armor - x5
No Forgiveness! - x3
Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time - x3
Atoning for His Wicked Deeds - x2
Immovable Object - x4
Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants - x2
Anger Towards a God - x3
Pseudo-Soul Calibur - x5
Tower of Remembrance - Degredation - x3
Temporary Being - x5
Curse of the Ancient Mariner - x3
No Mercy - x3
Howling Spirits
Artificial Soul - x2
Researching Anywhere - x3
Eiserne Drossel - x4
Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight - x3
Mesmerizing Dance - x3
Aura of Strength - x4
Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel - x5
Siren's Call - x4

Hilde. - x3
Astaroth. - x2
Tira. - x3
Algol. - x2

Shadowar - SW01

Fury of the Ancients
Two Deadly Rings Technique
Mighty Knee Strike - x2
Striking Thunder
Rage of the Dragon
Wrath of Heaven

Driven by Fear

Unnatural Grace

Scroll of the Abyss
Claws of Chian Tang
Wandering Dragon Staff
Monastery of Mt. Lao
Scroll of the Celestial Dawn
The Double Crown of Egypt - x3

Intolerant of Failure - x3
Covenant Elder - x2
Hammer Uppercut - x3
Unstoppable Warrior - x2
Valkyrja's Sheild
Fierce Twin Slash - x3
Bloodied but Unbowed
Ascending Zephyr - x3
Execution Technique Third Rite
Determined to be the Best
The Dragon if Mt. Lao
Atoning for the Past - x2
Calming the Mind - x2
Flowing Strikes - x3
Peaceful Path Hold
Endless Years of Practice
Pillage - x3
Armor of the Forsaken One
Dragon Lifter
One-Handed Crocodile Grasp - x3
Dead for One Thousand Years - x2

Berserker Rage - x3
Reaver's Axe - x2

Temujin: - x2
Lu Chen: - x2

Legacy Stuff

I have a bunch of older legacy stuff. If your looking for something let me know I can take a look.


Main Wants

Phoenix Smasher - x2

Medium Wants

Paid to Protect - x4
Mt. Devil Divider - x4
Yoshimitsu. (SC4 asset) - x3
Pavilion - x3
Chasing After the Power - x4
Need to Destroy - x2

Low Wants

Unnatural Grace - x2

my 1x shadowar playmat, 1x darkstalkers playmat

your 2x neo raging storm, 4x happy holidays and any other banned cards you have that are foil?

please lmk. my email is sdoubleg@yahoo.com or my aim is ScottGainesUFS


need your midnight launcher , menuett dance , annu matsube , junis spiral arrow , fury of the ancients check my list.

Hey there would you cml for

Neo Raging Storm x2 and Raging Gnome


-Eric or TericAylor06gt (aim) or edt2f@hotmail.com

Need to edit this.

Yo Judubs, any chance you would be able to trade your 3x Midnight Launchers for 2x Defender?

Hit me up at talonchaosbringer@yahoo.com, or facebook me :D



Interested in the following:
Knight Breaker
Siegfried's Earth Divide
Double Grounder Beta
Controller of Souls - x2
Hunger for Souls
Driven by Fear
Abelia's Friendship - x3
Tsurane Kiri - x2
Assassination Arts - x2

Curious as to what three KNEEL BEFORE ME would be able to acquire of those.


I know everyone and their mother wants these but:

Your Xx Midnight Launcher, Xx Knight Breaker, Xx Hunger for Souls

I have a little on your list, and a lot of the playset stuff you need, I'll be updating a set 12 list soon, but you can check my list now if you want.


shadowar playmat for a sf one?

OhSteven said:

shadowar playmat for a sf one?

Is it still sealed or in good condition?

E mailed you JDub.

its not sealed, but I can get a sealed one if needed, but the shadow war mat is in near mint, never used it bc i play on my yugioh one :P

let me know

OhSteven said:

its not sealed, but I can get a sealed one if needed, but the shadow war mat is in near mint, never used it bc i play on my yugioh one :P

let me know

I can do the SF one for the SW one then. If you want to get a sealed one that's cool but as long as it's not messed up or anything then it's ok either way. Email me at jdub2386@hotmail.com. Thanks

Oh BTW the SF mats I have are sealed.

emailed you jdubz LMK

kk done deal! i will send out the shadowar mat tomorrow, priorty mail w/ delievery confirmation, ill email you my addy, and the del. # tomorrow! =D thanks again

I emailed you and no reply? =(

Emailed, Jeremy.


email sent!....

reply back when you can....

I want your vibrato you can look at my list or you can just let me know what your looking for and ill see what i can do...i want to run them in my deck at worlds so ill trade pretty well for it

I want your 2x Dead for 1 thousand years....anything your looking for?

brislove said:

I want your 2x Dead for 1 thousand years....anything your looking for?

I'm really not looking for anything right now. Maybe I'll update my list soon if I actually need something.

Hey i know it says you only trade within the Us and Canada, but I am really looking for Fury of the Ancients for my UK Nats deck.

I have loads of Cards for trade but I only have the Ayame's Scarf - x3 from your wants list, I will also send first, and if there is anything else you are currently looking for just drop me and email at noneedtobesad@hotmail.co.uk.

Please get back to me it would be a huge favor to trade this to me as I live in the UK but UFS players are awesome and I hope you aren't an exception.