I made an error in this episode in regards to Exterminatus as it could never affect a Warlord as they would not be at a planet during deployment phase. Sorry about that.
To make up for it, here is the spoiler card:
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice save, er I mean card! I'm surprised that while the article covered that the Space marines are tactically adept, they left this little baby out!
I really liked your first podcast though it was very well done. Just enough introduction and background to let us know your history and interest in 40K and give us a bit about why you would make a Conquest podcast. I would say more but the work literally speaks for itself so if you like the idea of Conquest I highly recommend you give it a listen.
By the way in case anyone else is wondering like I was if this podcast is about 40K or just Conquest it's just Conquest which I really like since I don't play 40K for the same reasons the hosts don't anymore which I really appreciated their mentioning by the way. Maybe GW will never change but if no one ever makes it clear how many customers they have lost/could have had then there will never be any reason for them to. Well done Gentlemen!
Also just a personal curiosity but have you ever seen any of the Vaults of Terra series? If so what did you think?