AoR: Beginner Box, shipping to FLGS.

By Atraangelis, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Just in time for my next game.. NICE!....

Yeah. hoping my FLGS has it in stock so that I can pick it up either Friday or Saturday after work.

what's FLGS?

what's FLGS?

Freindly (Subjective.. ;) )




of course!

what's FLGS?

Freindly (Subjective.. ;) )




I've always called it "Favorite Local Gaming Store" ... with favorite still being subjective and relative. :)


Edited by Zszree

The War Store claims to have it in stock already.

Looks like I didn't get an early jump on this one!

Looking at the calender, I can't decide if this will show up on the 25th or the 30th. I guess time will tell...

Just got back mine in Tampa, Fl. He said he should have it for me after 3:00 on the 24th, barring any problems.

Based on Smiths' post then, N. America should have it this weekend!


Hoping my eBay vendor has received copies and will be sending them out soon.

Yeah, I was wrong. I got mine yesterday! It's very nice but I am a little short on time to dig in until tomorrow.