I'm running a Biomancy Psyker in one of my groups. Haven't quite gotten to the rank where I can pick another Discipline (besides which I'm torn between Telekinesis for variety, or Telepathy for Projection).
Given my character's only packing a standard sword, staff and a stub automatic, he comes to rely on the Bio Lightning power whenever applicable (well, assuming the fight's against someone that it's worth the risk of Psychic Phenomena).
So I had a few questions regarding this power.
First of all, is it possible make a called shot with Bio Lightning? The rules state that it is targeted at the body, but I don't personally see why my Psyker can't attempt to aim it, especially if the opponent isn't wearing a helmet, or armor on some part of the body.
Secondly, can it be used in close combat? If memory serves, you can still use pistols in close combat, and Psychic Powers can also be used in close combat. While Bio Lightning generally seems like a primarily "mid ranged" psychic power, I don't see any rule that forbids it being used in close combat, and, given that (I presume) it's fired from the Psyker's hands, eyes, or w/e, it doesn't seem like it'd be especially obstructive to do so in close combat. It's not like he's trying to aim a rifle, or missile launcher.