Feat Card "We´re not afraid"

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just sent this question to FFG.

Forum´s thoughts?


Tomb of Ice Expansion:

The Feat Card "We are not afraid" states it can be played on the start of any player´s turn (including OL).

Does this override the manual ruling which allows each hero to play one card in his turn and one on the OL´s ? I.e. may Hero A play this card in Hero B´s turn, and may Hero B still play a card in the same turn?

That's not quite what the rulebook says. Quoting from the PDF:

Important: Each hero player may only play one Feat card per turn. So, for example, each hero may play one Feat card on his turn, and one Feat card on the overlord's turn.

"One on your turn and one on the overlord's turn" is given only as an illustrative example; the actual rule is "one per turn." The preceding paragraph also says that "Hero players may play Feat cards at any time as long as the triggering conditions have been met." So it sounds to me like it should be perfectly legal to play one card each on every hero's turn (including your own) and another card on the overlord's turn, potentially using as many as 5 cards in one round, as long as the triggering conditions of the cards allow you to do so.

Parathion said:

Just sent this question to FFG.

Forum´s thoughts?


Tomb of Ice Expansion:

The Feat Card "We are not afraid" states it can be played on the start of any player´s turn (including OL).

Does this override the manual ruling which allows each hero to play one card in his turn and one on the OL´s ? I.e. may Hero A play this card in Hero B´s turn, and may Hero B still play a card in the same turn?

No it does not override, but it does not need to. Yes Hero B may play a card.

Your paraphrase of 'one card in his turn and one on the OL's' is incorrect.

ToI pg 5
Important: Each hero player may only play one Feat card per turn . (Rule) So, for example, each hero player may play one Feat card on his turn, and one Feat card on the overlord’s turn. (example)
The example is an example and not a complete summary of all options enabled by the rule (but clearly where you got your paraphrase from).

DJitD pg 7
One Round Consists of:
Turn 1: First Hero Player’s Turn
Turn 2: Second Hero Player’s Turn
Turn 3: Third Hero Player’s Turn
Turn 4: Fourth Hero Player’s Turn
Turn 5: Overlord Player’s Turn

So it is conceivably possibly for a hero to play 5 feat cards in one round. Unlikely, but possible.

What hero A has done is irrelevant to whether hero B can play a Feat card or not BTW. Hero B is limited only by whether he has played a feat card this turn, not by whether any other hero has.

Edit: And beaten to it by Antistone. happy.gif

Ok, in total that means the heros can play up to 20 Feats in one round.

The example after the rule is confusing then (at least it managed to confuse me), as it strongly suggests a limit of two cards per hero per round.

I had forgotten about this limit of one card per turn. Now I'm wondering if I got screwed as the OL before. :)

It looks as if each player can play one feat during each of the hero turns as well as the OL turn. My group has played one during the OL turn and one during the (collective) heros' turns. Either way should be fine. As OL, I would personally love to see the heroes use all of their feats during a single turn.

Feats are a PITA for the OL. Put yourself in the mind of the hero, though. Aren't you always a little more confident in what you are doing when the OL has no cards in hand? No worries about a dark charm or spike pit. As OL, if I have to take a beating for one round while the hero group uses up all feats, more power to them. They'll need it.