Forsaken Bounty type adeventure?

By solomani, in Rogue Trader

Hi all,

Very new to RT and just started reading the ruleset after reading the two intro adventures and quick start rules. I wonder if anyone could tell me if there were any published adventures similiar to Forsaken Bounty but more extensive.

Basically a recovery and salvage mission of a starship as the core setting.

Thanks in advance.

The Light of Terra part of Lure of the Expanse will usually turn into a "recovery and salvage mission". It's only a small part of the adventure though (10 pages).

Not really; Lure of the Expanse features locations such as the Processional of the Damned (A colossal ship graveyard) and the wreck of one of the Emperor's Heresy-era transport vessels, but having the specific recovery of vessels, not really.

Noted, thanks guys.