
By Alita_99, in DungeonQuest Revised Edition

Anybody else really jazzed Fantasy Flight Games is reprinting "DungeonQuest"? Seriously, I was angry with myself I didn't buy this game when it was available, I was even looking at buying a used copy, but now it appears I'll be able to correct my mistake. =) Q3 can't come soon enough.

Aye, I'm superpsyched as well! I missed it when it was originally released, and then prices became to steep on the collectors market to be affordable. Yay!

I already own the original (FFG) edition myself, but I'm happy for those who missed it the first time around. :)

I missed out on this the first time around, so I'll more than likely buy this and try it out when it becomes available. Although, I have to say I'm a bit surprised that they released this before a reprint or new edition of Runebound.

I've been hunting for this.. Yes, I'm very excited.

I have DQ so I doubt I buy it again but "Deadlier" Regular DQ (FFG) has killed me off time & time again :blink: