Conversion Kit

By rabarno, in DungeonQuest Revised Edition

Dear Fantasy Flight Games,

Do you plan to release a conversion kit for owners of the previous edition? In the past, you have released conversion kits for Talisman 4th Edition to Revised 4th Edition, and Descent to Descent 2nd edition.

Thank You

This is an important question that FFG needs to answer. I currently own 3rd Edition and "will not" purchase a new edition of this game. However, I would be more than happy to purchase an "upgrade/conversion" to the new edition.


I agree with the previous statements. ;)

I wish FFG were more active in their forums... <_<

i would really hope because i feel no need to buy this again.

it would be very kind.

Having read over the differences between the previous edition and this "revised" one, I think most of the changes are just rules.

The only thing a conversion kit would have to offer is the new combat system cards and a bunch of "search tokens" for the new searching mechanics.

I can find (or make) search tokens easily enough myself, and as for combat, I've already found a dice variant I'm happy with.

The thing about card-based combat systems is they're slower than dice. They add an element of strategy because you can pick your card and maintain a certain level of control, but they invariably slow the game down in the process. Because you have to think about what card to play and then play it.

That's all well and good if the game engine as a whole is fitting of such strategic decisions, but DungeoQuest is easily one of the most fast-paced, randomly chaotic games I've ever seen (and that's what I love about it.) I don't see the point in having a long thoughtful battle against a menacing skeleton if I'm going to be auto-killed by a swinging blade in the next room. DQ is the perfect example of a game that was made for dice-based combat. Fast, random, unpredictable, and deadly.

When I heard the revised edition had a new combat mechanic that "harkened back" to the original 80's game, I was really hoping that meant dice. But as it's still cards, I'm not too interested in converting to that system anyway.

Edited by Steve-O

Me too!

Conversion kit Please.

Edited by Atraangelis

I'm not that keen on buying even an upgrade kit. I like the version I have (my son enjoys the card combat system), and with the alternative options included in the official document, I don't see any need for me to get the new game.

I agree. It sounds like anything worth converting will be doable with just access to the revised rulebook. I'm assuming that will be posted online, as most of their rulebooks are.

It's good news for those who missed out on the original printing; now they can pick it up themselves. I'm not convinced that it's worth re-purchasing for those who already have the 2010 edition.

please an upgrade kit. thanks !

So... the conversion files have been posted,

the changes are concerning a minor variation in the combat board and a slight retouch of some hero stats.

I don't know how much these will affect the game, but I can certainly live with that :)

Most of the other rules were already offered as options with the old version and/or are easy to apply.

We already used some of the combat altrnatives anyway.

I appreciate the fact that FFG made everything available, nice and honest touch.


I'd really like to see FFG release a Conversion Kit in the form of a POD expansion. That would be awesome.

But unfortunately I have the game in french so it may take a while before I see this translated if that actually becomes a release.

I do have the game in french, and I bought it for the heroes for descent.

Now that they are comming back with new sculpts, I don't see a point about keeping this game, and with the new version, I would not be able to sell it

I enjoy the GW original more. It is chock full of heros to choose from if you have both of the original games expansions.