Petitioning? How often is it used?

By doomande, in Dark Heresy

I had first planned to ask this in the GM section of the forum, but then did it hit me that I want to ask players as well about this little this, how often do you, either as a GM or as an acolyte use the rules for petitioning?

I myself would love to use it, but I think that I am one of the only ones in my group that knows about it sadly. In my eyes are it a perfect way to reward the players for some work well done, and the prime opportunity to ad some red tape and loads upon loads of RPing. I would for example ask my players to actually write their request down and hand it to me, either as an email between sessions when there is downtime or on paper in the session. Of course would I not hand over las canons and that like, but smaller things that could be useful and out of reach in one way or another for the group normally.

And if you don´t know what a petition are, can you read more about it on p.281 in the core rulebook

Edited by doomande

I've never done it as a GM, and never had to do it as a player.

But with this new insight you handed me, I just might :)

I do personally not know why so many GMs and players alike complains about thrones and how they are handled, they saying that the fluff states that the Inquisition have almost unlimited resources, and yet gives the player a paycheck in the end of the month. The petitioning system are after all made to show this part of the fluff... that it is that well hidden, as a sidenote in the inquisition chapter of the book is just a minor detail.

And I am happy if I have inspired something in others games :)

I discovered the tiny little mention the concept gets in the core, when my players petitioned their Inquisitor and so made me look through the books to see if there was some sort of framework for it.

The core suggests using it as a kind of piñata for the players, but that's not how we've ended up using it. We use it for for player-driven things, basically. For example, if the players wish to establish a HQ somewhere, they petition their Inquisitor for the means to do so.

As for the Thrones thing, I don't get it either. At least for us it's always worked just fine that their employer gives them whatever they need to achieve their mission, and - discounting things like IDs, secret documents & whatnot - I don't believe my players have ever resorted to looting except on the very rare occasion where they've run out of ammo or lost their weapons.

Then again, in our games the PCs generally can't run around dressed up like Rambo. At least not if they want to accomplish anything.

The Big "I" dose have unlimited resources, just your field office doesn't have immediate access to all of it, so your SAIC and the guy running the Q Store don't go around issuing Psy-Canons or Compact Master Crafted Plasma Guns as side arms and War-hound Titans as personal vehicles. they give you what they think you will need to do the job at hand (and perhaps a bit more just in case). If you want more or better you have three options 1) Source goods from outside vendors using whatever means the Acolytes choose (Buy, Beg, Barrow or Steal). 2) Tender Monies from your Discretionary Fund or Personal Accounts to the Quartermaster for Goods not to be held in reserve for use by higher priority Agents or Assignments (in other words buy stuff from the Big I). or 3) Petition your chain of command for access to specialist equipment.

so where dose your Discretionary Fund come from? well you know that monthly pay you get, you could spend it on Hookers & Blow if that's how you roll, but it's kind of expected you will use it to cover cost of living and the rest to go in to a Discretionary Fund (also known as a Slush Fund) to cover on the job expenses and act as a "Tools Allowance".