Just thinking about applications for Freeholders. This may be a good strategy against Sith control decks which hold the Force with Vader, Emperor and Mara. Wait for your opponent to have a large hand and deploy the Freeholders for cheap. Then, play Outmaneuver to bounce them back into your hand along with a Sith unit being used to control the Force. They all have a lower PRINTED cost than the Freeholders. Then, drop the Freeholders again for less, since your opponent's hand is now bigger. My question: Is it worth running The False Report to use this strategy? If The Report comes out mid-game it could mess up your gameplay. You could always Slice In to your Objective Deck, but it's no guarantee you will draw it (or Outmaneuver for that matter). Thoughts?
Aquaris Freeholders vs Sith
As far as I can tell, flipping False Report will almost never hurt the LS player. It's like starting the game over except the LS player gets to deploy first.
My question: Is it worth running The False Report to use this strategy? If The Report comes out mid-game it could mess up your gameplay. You could always Slice In to your Objective Deck, but it's no guarantee you will draw it (or Outmaneuver for that matter). Thoughts?
The False Report is a Reaction, not a Forced Reaction, LS has the option to decline using it if it flips and would mess up their board.
Reactions are always optional? (assuming the word "forced" doesn't precede it)
Reactions are always optional? (assuming the word "forced" doesn't precede it)
Page 24 - Some reaction and interrupt effects may also be forced, making the execution of such an ability mandatory
Page 25 - Forced. While most card abilities are voluntary , some interrupt and reaction effects are preceded by the word “Forced.” Such effects must be resolved immediately whenever their specified trigger occurs as described in their effect text. [emphasis added]