Durin's bane and the 3rd quest card in Shadow and Flame

By Laco, in Rules questions & answers

After some time what is this scenario out, I have a question ...

If I discard the Balrog through Dark Pit have I won the game or is the 1 progress needed in the third quest card (Last Lord of Moria) in order to win?
Because, I discard the Balrog like that, and in the next round, I wanted put 1 progress token on quest card.
But in next quest phase I revealed treachery card named "Chance Encounter" /khazad-dum #45/ and I had put Balrog back to play, engaged with the first player. Was my process correct?

Yes, the card read that you win, so you win.

Progress token is necesseray to defeat the stage, as oftenly required to win, but not always.

The 1 is just here to freak the OCD in you :)