My group and I were using the Loot table by Kainrath (Found in the Compiled Resources thread) and we love it!
However, my group told me that some of the items on there were more fluff and not very useful. So I wanted to try my hand at updating it with several key goals in mind:
- Add updated stuff from the newer books.
- Replace a lot of the small/cheap fluff items that the group never bothered keeping track of with things that might be worth them writing down.
- Nice even credits in groups of 50 for easy bookkeeping.
- Remove some of the potential plot hook items and trim it down to a few strong ones.
- Get rid of the None entries.
I also added a few house rules that I am thinking of below. I welcome feedback on any and all of this.
MS word doc here:
HUGE thanks to Kainrath for the initial document that this is based heavily on (some entries are unchanged).
House Rules for Loot
To thoroughly search a body/container for non-obvious loot, roll a Daunting (DDDD) Perception or Skullduggery Check see if loot is present.
- One other character may Assist on searching a body or container. If searching a room or larger space multiple people may assist as per normal rules.
- For each Triumph result on the die, roll once on the Rare Items Table (Even if not successful).
- If Successful, roll once on the Common Items Table, plus an additional time per 2 additional Successes beyond the first.
- If Unsuccessful, advantage and threat are ignored.
- The GM may spend 2 Threat to require minor repairs a looted item before proper use (as if it were a weapon), with each additional 2 Threat increasing the magnitude of repairs needed by one step. (See Table 5-4 on Pg. 159 of the Core Rulebook.)
- A body/container cannot be searched more than once.
Another fun way for the GM to use Triumphs is to have the characters find some extra loot as a by-product of their actions. When player rolls a Triumph on any check that might warrant the possibility of finding some loot, roll one Proficiency Die.
- A Destiny Point may be spent to add a Boost Die to the roll.
- For each Triumph result, roll once on the Rare Items Table.
- For each Success and/or Advantage, roll once on the Common Items Table.
Examples of checks possibly warranting loot:
- Piloting (Planetary)- the landspeeder dislodges a partially buried wreck.
- Perception- the character notices a secret latch in the floor.
- Skullduggery/Computers/Mechanics/Combat checks- the character’s actions open a secret compartment nearby.