I frequent an FLGS, and asked the owner if I could help run the Forgotten Souls event day.
I played two games by myself to practice a routine to explain and entertain the people signing up for the event.
I just had a few questions, which I may have skipped in the rulebook:
1) Does the rule where a monster can only attack once still apply? Like if a monste'rs orders are: -engage closest hero, -attack, and a monster is next to a hero, does it skip the first action, attack as its 1st action, skip the engage action again when you repeat the list (if its still close), and attack again as its 2nd action?
2) When it says "roll to spawn X monsters", yet there are not enough spaces (on the exit or next to the cauldron) to spawn, do the extra monsters spawn as close as possible to the spaces, like normal, or do they not spawn at all?
A few other questions:
3) Are there any tips any of you have for easily keeping track of all the exceptions? When playing alone I found myself forgetting the extra monster ability text (like flesh moulders get +2 range), the exploration card abilities, and any peril abilities. Is there any pattern or habit I should get into to remember all these exceptions going on?
4) Has anyone found any other rules new players often forget or misinterpret that I should keep reminding them? One thing I kept forgetting was to lower Fate when I draw a peril card due to no monsters. I put a purple token on TOP of the peril deck as a reminder for me.
Edited by kerred