I'd love to check out your stuff mathey, but it seems i have to sign up to this site to do so. =/
AAand apparently you need facebook to sign up. bummer for me. XD
Edited by CogniczarI'd love to check out your stuff mathey, but it seems i have to sign up to this site to do so. =/
AAand apparently you need facebook to sign up. bummer for me. XD
Edited by CogniczarI'd love to check out your stuff mathey, but it seems i have to sign up to this site to do so. =/
AAand apparently you need facebook to sign up. bummer for me. XD
I'd love to check out your stuff mathey, but it seems i have to sign up to this site to do so. =/
AAand apparently you need facebook to sign up. bummer for me. XD
Sorry about that, guys. I'll see if I can post my recaps over on the appropriate forum.
So, on Dusk, mutants captured some members of an allied regminet, wearing their uniforms and stopping people at a checkpoint. We were coming back from leave (in our chimera, because we have no other vehicle for now) and most of us are drunk.
Operator (now a commander, our requisition officer) is piloting, so not drunk. fails to recognize the guy who is holding us up isn't really IG. Crossing a bridge, it blows. Not a far fall, but the Operator was the only one strapped in, the rest of us go for a ride. Then suddenly mutants in uniforms everywhere, pelting our chimera with crack grenades. Things look bad, transport's stuck, can't get it to move, we're wasted (count as fatigued) and can't hit crap with the on board weapons. Then the guy with a melta gun steps up.
Inferno beam to the tread. Armor holds, mostly, crew compartment is a sauna-torium. Before melta-man can shoot again, Operator's comrade finally scores a hit with the turret-mounted multi-laser, righteous fury, get some, mutant scum. Melta-man blows up, his weapon detonates, kills the guy next to him. Operator gets us free finally, moving out.
We get back to our platoon's base. The LT is pissed (he was in the chimera with us), wants me (Gunnery Sgt) to go back with a fresh squad in a valkyrie (we're drop troops) and send those ****** to the Emperor. Mount up, drop in the jungle and patrol in. Area's clear. Some anti-tank mines left behind, but nothing else. Find some tire tracks. Mount up in the valk again, head east. Find an old mission. See an allied regimental banner and a chimera parked out front.
Radio chirps, "IFF, over."
No one is supposed to be out here, I opt for radio silence, tell the valk pilot to fly wide of the mission. Staff Sgt along for the ride notices a town car in the jungle, wrecked. He and half the squad drop to investigate, I keep going in the valk. Drop on the east side of the mission and patrol up quietly. Place is surrounded by fog, see IG troops, but they're in heavy coats, respirators, hemets, bayonets fixed to their M84's. Who patrols with a bayonet fixed? Blood drinkers, Seney pirate mutants. Smell flesh cooking, foul, like rotten bacon. Cannibals. Get radio from Staff Sgt, the car he found was a vehicle our commissars were using. Looked like a fight but no one is around.
Retreat back, report. LT tells us Alpha squad is missing too, never reported back from leave. Cancels R&R for the rest of the group and gets on the horn to regminet CO, he authorizes a rescue. Moves artillery to flattten the place when we're done. Make another trip in the valks, this time LT is mounted up with Charlie and Bravo squads. Delta has to stay and guard the base.
Inbound, IFF challenge again. LT takes the horn, tells them we're doing training, didn't know anyone was out here (4 degrees success on decieve, go LT). Mission comm asks where we'll be conducting training so they can keep patrols clear. LT sees through their BS, figures they want to ambush us if possible so he gives them a far off location.
In the mist, we make our drop. The chimera is gone, off to find our training ground. Medic gets the party started with both barrels of his shotgun to the back of an unsuspecting mutant, skull-splatter. I've got command of Charlie Squad, LT our medic and operator are with Bravo. They're on the east end of the mission, i'm on the west. The bell tower barks at Bravo, giant mutant lizard man with an auto cannon wants to say hello. Tube charge, then a sniper round later and he's down.
I'm moving my squad toward a row of statues where the enemy keeps appearing. Suppressive fire, keep them pinned down, frag missile, cooked mutant. Move in, find a grate on the stone of the courtyard. Imrpovised demo-charge on a nearby statue (2 crack grenades w/ modified payload), knock it down, rabbit hole sealed.
LT and Bravo move up, go into a barracks and find the commissars. Still alive, the Emperor would be proud. Operator tools his auspex, finds more underground passages and we go in. First room is the cafe from hell, mutants and an Ogryn cook, guardsmen are the main course. Bullpup las fire, sniper round for the ogryn's skull and massed suppression from our squads rip the mutants. Find most of Alpha squad tied up in the next room, slathered in BBQ sauce. ****** cannibals...
aaaand that's about where we left off.
Well when I ran it my campaign is quite different to all the above. I run it as a black ops specialist campaign with each character from a different regiment (too many fun options not to
) though because of the style i dropped comrades and requisition works differently , each chosen for their own initiative and abilities (and sometimes other background reasons). they are sent on specialist, high importance missions like espionage, assassination and rescue missions so far the group has: eliminated the high command of a traitor force (based on the traitor general novel) defended a fortress from an ork horde, rescued a general from a traitor prison (inspired by world war 2 stalingrad) hunted down a rogue elite guard squad within a hive city, hope to run this soon, have some fun ideas
I dig that kind of stuff, but it really gets into the paramilitary arm of Dark Heresy.
I can see that, but I personally like strongly the idea of a specialist group, perhaps being requisitioned by an Inquisitor, or something, doing stuff as a set squad. It's my special snowflake syndrome, probably.
I like aspects of both of the above scenarios. Sometimes I forget that the losers might have a melta, too, and that was a fun bit to read.