Expansion Question

By Poderis, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey all,

Sorry if this was answered somewhere else here (I went through 50 pages and didnt find anything related to it).

I currently have the core game and RTL, but have ordered WOD and TOI, my question is can you just take all the components from all the expansions and combine it all to form 1 game or is it better to keep it all seperated?

Thanks :D

AFAIK only RtL gives you real possibility to fully combine all expansions together, because all the other doesn't include specific things (for example props) from the other ones. But still, youy can use all OL cards, items, skills and so on.

For both vanilla and RtL you can take pretty much everything and mix it all together.

You will end up with a sadly large collection of unused props and tokens depending on which Quests you are playing or playing RtL. Its a results of FFG's policy of making the games in such a way that you only need the core set to play any of the expansions. There isn't a lot of crossover.

Mixing them up means you will get "flavors" of the other expansions while still mainly seeing whatever is in the expansion you are playing. You will have a few spawns, some treachery, and so on that will allow you to play with monsters and traps from a specific expansion. You will also have more shop equipment, potions, and treasures available as heroes which fills the game out a bit.

Rtl, while still not being fully integrated, is the most integrated because (nearly) every dungeon gives you an option of the monsters you want to start with in addition to your leader. You can put AoD or WoD monsters in there with your regular guys, and that's really fun, because there are some great monsters to be played with, especially in AoD. Heroes will have access to more skills, more treasures, and (if you have AoD) the ring of protection...many of which can be pretty important. AoD also (thankfully) nerfs Leadership just a little bit, by making you spend 1 whole fatigue instead of just passing out rest orders for free.