Regarding the whole "untrained lightsaber, cut my own head off thing," I've never bought into that either. I can pick up a stick and swing it without hurting myself. While I was never particularly good at baseball, I never clubbed myself wth the bat. Sure, I've brained myself with nunchaku. Everyone has. But I did it because I was swinging them around like a ****** without training. But a lightsaber isn't nunchaku; it's a bat.
And before anyone starts crying about balance points and the weightless blade, I have one word for you; flashlight. I'm perfectly capable of pointing a flashlight in one direction. If needed, I could even swing it at someone without shining it in my eyes. So that argument goes away.
The only way someone is going to hurt themselves with a lightsaber is if they are nunchaku-ing it (swinging it around like a ******). Any self-aware player character is going to have better sense, and either exercise caution or learn how to use it. Non-issue.