Non-force sensitive with a lightsaber

By hencook, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

One of our players is not a Jedi and happens to have found a lightsaber lying around in an Imperial Officer's art gallery.

He knows he can't train ranks into it, so he's making the best of it. He wants to wield the lightsaber in his off-hand and continue using his ranged light blaster in his right hand. The plan is to use the lightsaber as a blaster shield, not something so crazy as redirecting the blaster bolts back at his enemies. He wants to gain a rank in the sub-skill of lightsaber deflection, not general lightsaber usage, mind you. He wants to train the same way as Luke did in ANH, with a remote droid training him, maybe with enough training, to actually redirect a few like a Jedi, except with raw skill instead of the force.

How would you go about this player's proposition, if you were GMing for him?

I don't think this is possible. Jedi use ESP and enhanced reflexes to put the blade in the way of blaster bolts (it's why Luke can do it with a blast visor down - the Force guides his arm, not his own perception and reflexes).

If you're willing to go into homebrew solutions, I believe Donovan Morningfire's Ways of the Force has a tree or two that could help with this. I can't remember who made it, but if you search for something like " EotE Jedi Career v2.4", there's another set of trees you can choose from. And you can always re-purpose each of them to match what you think might be a better fit for your game.

I'd personally recommend the player going through one of those instead of just straight acquiring talents with experience because it kind of drastically warps the current setup of the game where you need to progress if you want those special talents - you don't want players bartering with you,: "Well, I don't want to have to dip into multiple trees and spend 300 experience, how about I give you 120 experience, and you just give me 3 ranks in True Aim?"

A bit abstract but, if you will to emulate that someone doesn't have training with lightsabers and tries to use one of them upgrade twice the difficulty getting two Challenges. Maybe this will help you.

If you're willing to go into homebrew solutions, I believe Donovan Morningfire's Ways of the Force has a tree or two that could help with this.

Dot .

Also (from DarthGM - though he too requires Force Rating for the Deflection Training in the Balanced Lightsaber Style tree).

Edited by Col. Orange

I am sorry but I don't think a non-Force sensitive is going to be parrying blaster bolts with a light saber.

Yes, it is an iconic thing, but mostly for Jedi. If he is wielding the saber in his off-hand he is quite likely to seriously injure himself with it.

As far as game mechanics go, the Side Step talent from the Hired Gun Body Guard spec with the maneuver described as light saber parry might be a way to go.

Training with a remote is probably a standard training technique, not specific to light sabers. The light saber is a unique enough weapon that if a character wanted to learn specific light saber skills, rather than just using it as a Melee weapon they should have to find a teacher who knows Lightsaber skills.

I wouldn't allow it. Aside from the story issues you have to essentially throw the dual wielding rules out the window and I wouldn't do that.

yea as above. No way a person without Force Sensitivity is going to be able to deflect blaster bolts with a light saber. Even Luke couldn't do it with Obi-wan's teaching without opening up to the Force.

BEN: This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct.

LUKE: (laughing) With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am
I supposed to fight?

BEN: Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.

But using them as weapons or tools is not unfeasible. Don't forget the Saber Rakes which used smaller versions for Dueling.

Using lightsabers as weapon can be effective. I mean a character wielding a lightsaber is an immensely dangerous person with whoever he's engaged with.

I wouldn't allow him to deflect blaster bolts, partly because no such rule exists and partly because he wouldn't necessarily have the foresight to use it against a living foe with both hands, never mind wielding it in his off hand. At the very most, with a vicous training routine and with both hands on the blade (none of this off hand blaster deflecting nonsese) he would probably recieve a boost dice.

Otherwise I would recommend that he just takes ranks in dodge. That is exactly the kind of thing that a deflection is meant to repersent.

As said though, there is no reason he shouldn't become inferinous with the blade in his own right. The absence in force senstivity would cause people to not expect this and with various gadgety he could quite easily become a mobile combatant.

I don't think this is possible. Jedi use ESP and enhanced reflexes to put the blade in the way of blaster bolts (it's why Luke can do it with a blast visor down - the Force guides his arm, not his own perception and reflexes).

What you said is totally true.

I read somewhere that the actual blaster bolts only travel around 75 mph. So in reality anyone could deflect blaster bolts if they have any kind of hand eye coordination and the balls to try it. Pitchers in baseball throw 90+ mph from 60 feet 6 inches away.

I find it amusing that something that is 1, Rare and 2, EXTREMELY FORBIDDEN can be found so easily. I have seen i dunno how many threads that have people incorperating Lightsabers into their campaigns, that it is interesting to say the least.


What you said is totally true.

I read somewhere that the actual blaster bolts only travel around 75 mph. So in reality anyone could deflect blaster bolts if they have any kind of hand eye coordination and the balls to try it. Pitchers in baseball throw 90+ mph from 60 feet 6 inches away.

I think I know the article you mean. **** physics geeks.

I find it amusing that something that is 1, Rare and 2, EXTREMELY FORBIDDEN can be found so easily. I have seen i dunno how many threads that have people incorperating Lightsabers into their campaigns, that it is interesting to say the least.


Not really when you consider the fact that each game is its own world. Lightsabers should only be rare in each world. Since the player characters are the stars of their stories it makes sense that one could/should fall to them. And in the grand scheme of things I've only seen some threads.

Light sabers are like Jedi: They're not as rare as one might believe.

My group will never just find one. A FS in my group will be fortunate to hear rumors of them, with the likelihood of the rumors being just that, rumors. If a FS in my group wants one, it'll have to be personally hand crafted with incomplete instruction data and much trial and error.

In fact, a FS in my group won't even refer to him/herself as being FS. Remember, everyone has "forgotten about" Jedi. Psychic abilities are frightening when realized, used and witnessed.

"Did you just toss that guy with a gesture?"


"Get away from me, freak."

Edited by Brother Orpheo
He wants to wield the lightsaber in his off-hand and continue using his ranged light blaster in his right hand. The plan is to use the lightsaber as a blaster shield, not something so crazy as redirecting the blaster bolts back at his enemies. He wants to gain a rank in the sub-skill of lightsaber deflection, not general lightsaber usage, mind you.

No... no.. no.. Hell no..

He is untrained in any force ways and has no idea how to deflect bolts..

BY the rules he cannot even attempt this without being a Exile or Emergent..

the best your PC can do is look silly with a glow stick.. BAH..

Edited by Atraangelis

I'm sure he could learn to use the lightsaber passingly well (General Grievous had no Force Sensitivity and was very adept with his lightsabers, probably in part from being so cybered out).

But deflecting blaster bolts? Nope, that involves precognition, which itself is an expression of the Force.

If he is wielding the saber in his off-hand he is quite likely to seriously injure himself with it.

Quick note: there is no "handedness" in this game.

As to the Original question, I would say ab unaugmented sapient could not deflect a blaster bolt except through sheer luck.

As to augmentation, I think one would need the force, or a cybernetic arm that can spin the wrist really fast, like a certain General.

Of course trying to use a lightsaber in that fashion can probably result in a loss of limb, allowing you to purchase said cybernetic twirly arm

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange

Step one: get a lightsaber

step two: get ranks in dodge or sidestep

step three: deflect blaster bolts

It's that easy. Not everything needs hard rules behind it. A little re-fluffing and some imagination work miracles in a game like this.

I've always seen the blocking and deflection of blaster bolts as a combination of specialized training and Force use. While you could certainly learn to swing a lightsaber in time, and maybe even block the odd shot, you aren't going to be Wonder Woman-ing anytime soon.

As an aside, the act of igniting a lightsaber in combat is going to have the exact opposite effect of what the player wants. Once drawn, it's going to have the unusual effect of drawing more blaster bolts towards him as enemies try and shot the heck out of him. He's either crazy dangerous and needs to die, a Jedi with a nice bounty on his head, or wealthy and robbable.

The plan is to use the lightsaber as a blaster shield, not something so crazy as redirecting the blaster bolts back at his enemies.

The plan is for him to stop blaster bolts. The RESULT, on the other hand, is that the character is going to get shot. A lot.

Of course trying to use a lightsaber in that fashion can probably result in a loss of limb, allowing you to purchase said cybernetic twirly arm

True story: i bought one of those awesome Master Replica sabers a couple of years ago, the double bladed Maul saber. After assembling it and putting the batteries in, I was swinging and jumping around the room like I was Star Wars Kid - and within seconds, I destroyed a ceiling lamp, cut my arm (with real blood) and whacked myself on the head. Had that been a real blade, I would have been dead 10 seconds into my Jedi career. . . .

As an aside, the act of igniting a lightsaber in combat is going to have the exact opposite effect of what the player wants. Once drawn, it's going to have the unusual effect of drawing more blaster bolts towards him as enemies try and shot the heck out of him. He's either crazy dangerous and needs to die, a Jedi with a nice bounty on his head, or wealthy and robbable.

Or every enemy combatant on the battlefield will freak out, go "Holy crap! Jedi!" and try and kill him stone dead before he gets them all because the "jedi" is the biggest, baddest threat in the battle.

Edited by Desslok

Whoops - double post

Edited by Desslok

As an aside, the act of igniting a lightsaber in combat is going to have the exact opposite effect of what the player wants. Once drawn, it's going to have the unusual effect of drawing more blaster bolts towards him as enemies try and shot the heck out of him. He's either crazy dangerous and needs to die, a Jedi with a nice bounty on his head, or wealthy and robbable.

Or every enemy combatant on the battlefield will freak out, go "Holy crap! Jedi!" and try and kill him stone dead before he gets them all because the "jedi" is the biggest, baddest threat in the battle.

Would really depend on whether the enemy would know what they're dealing with. Knowledge of Jedi is suppressed, remember. ;) Even stormtroopers wouldn't really know what it is, but if they survive to make an after-action report it might go into the right channels...

As an aside, the act of igniting a lightsaber in combat is going to have the exact opposite effect of what the player wants. Once drawn, it's going to have the unusual effect of drawing more blaster bolts towards him as enemies try and shot the heck out of him. He's either crazy dangerous and needs to die, a Jedi with a nice bounty on his head, or wealthy and robbable.

Or every enemy combatant on the battlefield will freak out, go "Holy crap! Jedi!" and try and kill him stone dead before he gets them all because the "jedi" is the biggest, baddest threat in the battle.

I think most would assume it was a normal schmuck with a lightsaber rather than a Jedi. By this time there have to be more Jedi artifacts and antiques than actual Jedi.

Would really depend on whether the enemy would know what they're dealing with. Knowledge of Jedi is suppressed, remember. ;) Even stormtroopers wouldn't really know what it is, but if they survive to make an after-action report it might go into the right channels...

Since Order 66 (as far as I know) is a standing order that's never been rescinded, at least the stormtroopers would know "Priority One = kill the Guy with the Glowing Sword"

I think most would assume it was a normal schmuck with a lightsaber rather than a Jedi. By this time there have to be more Jedi artifacts and antiques than actual Jedi.

Even if you're a non-Jedi, if you're badass enough to wield one in the battlefield without removing your limbs, you're probably badass enough to jump right to the top of "Oh crap! Kill him!" list.

Edited by Desslok

Since Order 66 (as far as I know) is a standing order that's never been rescinded, at least the stormtroopers would know "Priority One = kill the Guy with the Glowing Sword"

Not necessarily. 0 BBY/ABY stormtroopers are largely conscripts, not indoctrinated clones, and I doubt the training academies focus on dealing with an extinct mystic order. The Emperor has Hands for that after all.

" In the event of Jedi officers acting against the interests of the Republic, and after receiving specific orders verified as coming directly from the Supreme Commander (Chancellor), GAR commanders will remove those officers by lethal force, and command of the GAR will revert to the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) until a new command structure is established."

Parts of that are kind of redundant now too :P There's no longer a Republic, a Chancellor, or a GAR.

Edited by Kshatriya