Descent: Journeys in the Dark Where is it???????????

By spr5858, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi All

I have been a collector of FFG games for a number of years, and just getting around to Descent: Journeys in the Dark. But it no longer seems to be in print. All the Expansions seem to be avalible and the excellent new figures.

But there seems to be no signs of the main game. And I cannot get it at all in the UK.

Can anyone tell me when its going to be re released of if its being upgraded to another edition???

And when will we see it on the shelves again



There are no game stores in my area. I bought mine on ebay only a few weeks ago, and at a good price as well. Just keep your eyes open.

The upcoming page has a note posted 2/11 saying Descent is currently being reprinted. No ETA given.

I just got a copy of it that arrived today (or so my roommate says) from, and for a pretty good price, so you might try there. Pretty excited to get home from work now :D