What's Your Favorite Sidearm?

By venkelos, in Rogue Trader

You do realize that the Micro-Condemor is a Bolt Rifle cut down to pistol, right? Lol. Doesn't the Micro modification make it a pistol class weapon? That would remove the Mono-melee attatchment. Overall the players encounter enough Yu'vath and Daemonic enemies to prefer Sanctified weapons whenever they can carry them.

My group includes two Hereteks. The Rogue Trader is an Arch-Heretek with a focus on weapons and keeping his implants discrete. The Explorator is a Factor of the Lathes with a 50 Fellowship and massive social skills. He also tends to keep his implants inobvious. The social fu of the group is almost painful.

For NPC Hereteks, have you used Imperial Robot bodies with Scaracen Wave generators attatched to the Heretek's brain burried within it? Gives him lots of room for extra weapons and systems. Nothing like having dreadnaught class opponents with actual skill and intelligence behind them.

Doesn't the Micro modification make it a pistol class weapon? That would remove the Mono-melee attatchment.

No, for there is a Micro Mono-Melee attachment attached, basically a mono plastic knife! :lol:


It's as though a thousand GM's screamed at once and were suddenly silenced...

I love this thread...

Edited by RogalDorn01

my favorite sidearm is actually a demonically possessed set of crimson crowns.

Failing that I found the ripper pistol set up to deliver detox ( instead of it's normal toxic effect) just to be hilarious.

0.o The stuns. Ye gods.

Micro weapons are pretty much just holdout weapons, if you're using them as anything but self defense weapons in crooked card games or intrigue filled formal dances you're probably rules lawyering. Personally I would rule that by their very nature they can't be combied or given bayonets, they're a last resort for scoundrels.