So, Rogue Traders can acquire **** near anything they want. One I'm fleshing out is a very movie-pirate-rogue-hero like, and he is renowned for his sword-sidearm combo. Both his primary sidearm and his main blade are personal-fluff awesome toys, a fine inferno pistol that passes down in his line, and a beautiful Eldar Power Sword from a beautiful Corsair Captain he aided, but while I love the inferno pistol, and that the Rogue Trader is one of the only people in existence who might be able to actually acquire one, I know that, between their limited clip size, and likely poor choice for ship boarding actions, the part of his fluff that the Dragon's Ire is rarely drawn fits. So, what would be a good other option for a more typically used pistol?
I love plasma pistols, and would normally just have that be the other sidearm, but they CAN burn you, and might also suck in boarding actions, so what's a great pistol option, in your opinions, for damage + clip size + maybe not venting a compartment? What fun guns do others like to field, when you really can have just about anything? Thanks.