Claiming areas

By joefling34, in StarCraft

Lets say two different players both claim to different areas on the same planet. No battle takes place. The other areas on the planet are minerals, does neither player claim these territories as far as getting thier resource cards in the regouping faze? Can a player build on one of these areas before moving a unit there?

Can a player build on one of these areas before moving a unit there?

You can place built units there, but not the new base. It must be placed on friendly area.

The other areas on the planet are minerals, does neither player claim these territories as far as getting thier resource cards in the regouping faze?

You control the area as long as you have there any units or base, and no enemy unit is present there (such area would be contested ).

Note that all areas you control are friendly .

When you build the base on the planet and:

  • there is no other base - you gain resource cards for friendly and empty (without units/bases) areas
  • there are already some other bases - you and your oppotents gain resource cards for areas on that planet they control

PS: You can find more details here (rules and FAQ):

If both players built their base in the same turn then each would only receive resource cards for areas they control (base or unit).

When only one player has a base then he would receive the resource cards for any empty areas in the Regrouping phase. He will hold those resource cards until either an enemy unit occupies the resource area during the regrouping phase or until there is a regrouping phase where he no longer has a base on the planet. So it would be possible for resource cards to be used by a player that doesn't even have a base on the planet at the time (meaning he had one in the Gain Resource Cards step of the previous Regrouping Phase) .