The Thing You Most Wanted?

By venkelos, in Only War

So, this is one of those pointless little posts that doesn't really do anything, but I was bored, and this site and Librarium Online have both been barren of much "new" things to talk about, so I'm doing this to lightly stir up some new converse.

In OW, you are the IG (I can still call them that), and I have often given them crap for their seemingly limited access to good stuff, in a universe filled with wonders that the Imperium should have limitless capacity to make, but can only make three a century, and only for one Inquisitor, one Space Marine, and one that got lost in the warp, so that Chaos can have the same stuff. IG get flashlights and cardboard (I've been at 1d4chan lately, sorry). Anyway, this post actually isn't about that. It's about the cool stuff that you CAN get.

In your various games of Only War, with your various grunts and specialists, what' the most anticipated thing you sought to acquire? What was worth it, to you, to maybe monkey through specific choices, trying to raise the Requisition to be able to get it, if you did get it? What was worth the work to you to acquire, that you didn't just pick a class to get (the heavy bolter or lascannon with a Heavy, for instance)? Just kind of curious what your favorite piece of received gear has proven to be.

One of my players loved his meltagun more than life itself, and desperately wants another one despite his new character having a heavy bolter.

Another player built a poor-quality bolt pistol that is his pride and joy, still using it and managing to survive.

The sergeant in my campaign has been chomping at the bit for a power sword. I'm going to give it to him... when pigs fly mwahaha

A converted-for-human-use Necron gauss blaster. Yeah, maybe I had only 9 shots before a 4Full reload, but it was still pretty darn awesome!

I recently joined a game where the GM had ruled that the regiments chosen heavy weapon was a multimelta, which is normally against the rules. Given this was a chance to toy with something I wouldn't usually have access to (and I did point this out several times) I jumped at the chance to play the heavy weapons guy.

The campaign features a lot of vehicles, and I was very excited to start turning them to slag. Sadly the truth is that thus far the MM is uninspiring. It rarely does enough damage to stop what we are fghting, and its poor range often means I don't get a second shot before whatever it is closes on us.

Having said that the fact its a blast weapon is fun, because missing and killing something else entirely is hilarious (My characters two catch phrases are "Totally meant to do that" and "Falling damage, my ONLY weakness!") like the time I accidentally fried a wyrdboy while aiming for his boss.

The big problem is has created is that most of the talents designed to couple with a Heavy Weapon Specialist don't mix well with someone using a MM as many of the preclude using a weapon that has blast, or require a weapon with semi or full auto. Its left me with a lot of 'what exactly do I do with this XP?' after maxing out my 'lets try to be unkillable' stats.

Overall its been very interesting to see how the use of a weapon that shouldnt be availible has changed the game.

I know I've mentioned this before, but I've really wanted some rules for Non-Deathwatch, Standard Space marines. I would really like to see OW style rules that allow you to play a Scout (Or Bloodclaw, or Neophyte) through becoming a full fledged battle brother! I think in order to be remotely balanced, The Scout/Initiate would have to start at about Specialist/Stormtrooper exp. lvls but still, It would be cool!

Write them yourself, and post them here!

Plasma Pistol. I don't go anywhere without one.

All I've ever needed to get to job done were my bullpup, render and copious amounts of explosives.

That being said, those stingy gits at the Munitorum have yet to give me a Melta Bomb...but one day...

Not an actual personal weapon but I really want this in OW game:

Nuff said.

I haven't seen that image in forever. Ah Hick Marines. ;)

where is that image from?

StarCraft. :)

And since we're at it, here's another little gem from something that sadly never got to see the light of day. Maybe someone hasn't yet stumbled over it by themselves:

Edited by Lynata