NBN - My second try at a Corp deck

By Kahadras, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Having just picked up double time I've become interested in the NAPD Contract agenda. I had thoughts of building an NBN deck which put a massive amount of pressure on a runners credits and would price them out of scoring agenda. My initial build thoughts were something along the lines of...

NBN - Making News

Agenda -

x2 Breaking News

x3 Astroscript Pilot Program

x3 Project Beale

x3 NADP Contract


x3 Pop-up Window

x3 Draco

x3 Matrix Analyzer

x3 Data Raven

x3 Uroboros

x3 Tollbooth

Assets -

x3 Pad Campaign

Operations -

x3 Closed accounts

x3 Scorched Earth - - - -

x3 Hedge Fund

Upgrades -

x3 Bernice Mai

x3 Red Herring

x2 Sansan City Grid

You'll need SEA source or Midseasons replacement to reliably tag the runner otherwise your 3 scorched earths are a waste. You'll also need much more econ.

What do you sugest for more economy? What do you sugest dropping for the Sea Source or Midseasons?

I'm not an NBN expert but I'd say get rid of Bernice Mai for the SEA sources since that's the preffered method of tagging the runner. As far as economy I really like marked accounts in NBN. Also sweeps week is pretty amazing.

My personal NBN economy package at the monent:

3x Sweeps Week

2x Hedge Fund

2x Melange Mining Corp

3x Pop-up Window

3x Shadow

Special mention for Caduceus, but that subroutine usually only goes off at rez. I should also mention I have yet to alter this deck to include Double Time.

I notice you have three influence left, you probably should find something to spend it on.

Not personally a fan of Matrix Analyzer without traps or advancable ICE.

You have very little hard EtR. Maybe subbing in an Ice wall or two, or Wraparound, would be worthwhile, as it's hard to score in a remote if the runner can get through in spite of getting slammed with traces.

Bernice is probably the correct choice to drop for SEA or Midseasons. She's good for putting pressure on through tags, but they often won't stick. I'm thinking of dropping her myself, but still undecided.

Careful with Data Raven. If the runner goes full tag-me, it becomes a totally dead card. Good for early game though.

One idea I was mulling over was to drop the Scorched Earths and focusing the deck more on winning through advancing agenda. I like the idea of Tollbooth, Red Herring and NADP Contract (along with the threat of Closed Accounts) making it difficult for my opponant to steal agenda when he gets through the decks ICE. I might take a look at cards that makes stuff harder to trash like Encryption Protocol.

I'd use the tags for trashing resources that gain the Runner money and for Closed Accounts

Edited by Kahadras

If you go down that second route, see if you can find deckspace for Freelance - not many people run it, but it's a great slap inthe fce for a runner who doesn't expect it ;) plus, you can play both Freelancer and Closed Accounts after getting Siphoned :D

If you're going for and NBN Fast Advance deck, you definitely need to add both Midseason Replacements and Psychographics. Some hard economy wouldn't hurt. Post and updated deck list and we'll look at it.

If you're going for and NBN Fast Advance deck, you definitely need to add both Midseason Replacements and Psychographics. Some hard economy wouldn't hurt. Post and updated deck list and we'll look at it.

Alternatively, he could go for a Never Advance strategy with Snares.

If you're going for and NBN Fast Advance deck, you definitely need to add both Midseason Replacements and Psychographics. Some hard economy wouldn't hurt. Post and updated deck list and we'll look at it.

Alternatively, he could go for a Never Advance strategy with Snares.

And Edge of World - great with SanSan ;)

I've only managed to get a couple of games in with the deck over the past few weeks. The current build is looking like this...

Identity - NBN Making News

Agenda -

x2 Breaking News

x3 Project Beale

x3 Astroscript Pilot Program

x3 NADP Contract


x3 Pop-up Window

x3 Draco

x3 Ice Wall

x3 Data Raven

x3 Uroboros

x3 Tollbooth

Assets -

x3 Mental Health Clinic

x3 Pad Campaign

Operations -

x3 Closed Accounts

x3 Sweeps Week

x3 Hedge Fund

x3 Red Herring

x2 Sansan City Grid

So far I'm finding the deck interesting to play with it's focus aimed at the runner's economy.

Swap Ice Wall for Wraparound and save influence. Same for Mental Health Clinic and Marked Accounts. Spend it on Viper, Eli, Caduceus.

Ichi 2.0 is much better than Uroboros.

Swap a Closed Accounts for a Psychographics for when the runner decides to play tag me.

Add the 3rd Sansan if you can.

If you still have influence left over, Green Level Clearance.

So I've dug the NBN out again after a conciderable break and have been tweaking the build. Having broken up my HB deck I got access to cards that I felt would improve NBN. I'm sticking with the idea of focusing on economy and traces...

NBN - Making News

Agenda -

x2 Breaking News

x3 Astroscript Pilot Program

x3 Project Beale

x3 NAPD Contract


x3 Pop-up Window

x3 Draco

x3 Ice Wall

x3 Caduceus

x3 Viper

x3 Data Raven

x3 Tollbooth

Assets -

x3 Marked Accounts

x3 Pad Campaign

Operations -

x3 Closed Accounts

x3 Hedge Fund

Upgrades -

x3 Red Herrings

x2 Sansan City Grid

Tracing to what end? The only thing you can do when you tag a runner is closed accounts them. That's not bad, but I'm not sure you want to build a deck around it.

I LOVE Midseasons Replacements. If you want to tag people to the point where they just give up, that's the way to go. When you use MR, you can actually not worry about tagging through other means, especially since after you MR them, they will not care about your data ravens at all.

MR + Pshychographics + Beale (advanced 13 times) = win the game. It is easier to do than it looks. Especially if they ignore your marked accounts and PADs.

I want to tag the runner, but for the purpose of winning through beale or through Scorching.

The tracing in this deck aims to put pressure the runner's economy. They pay to avoid the traces. Pay to remove tags. Run the risk of losing economy resources/having their accounts closed.