Deviant Art

By MrsGamura, in Fan Creations

Anyone have advice on how to find that pefect picture for that custom card, etc? I use magic cards because I know the pictures and can find them... plus the Deviant Art web site doesn't load all the pictures on my comp.

DeviantArt is the best source for this stuff - but if you really can't get it working, check out these: - another amateur fantasy art site. Mostly awful but you never know. - somewhere in the D&D section, there's an archive of picture galleries from all the D&D books. Most of it is useless, but there is loads of it.

Of course both of those are great for fantasy-type art (handy for monsters, AOs and Unique items) but not much good for everything more modern or down-to-earth (such as investigators, Common items, 1920s locations etc). I suggest just sticking every possible variation on your search terms into Google image search.

what category typically do you find most of your pictures in on deviantArt?

What pathway? Traditional Art? Carton? etc

Appreciate any help