Two newbish players looking for DH group

By Blackbear69, in Dark Heresy

Hi my names Black and me and a friend are looking for a Dark heresy group we can join. We can be any class needed and Are well capable of learning quickly and picking up the slack.

We both have the DH corebook and the inquisitors handbook.

The only limitation we have is that we can only do either fridays or saturdays. OR! maybe week days approx 7-11 uk time.

My experiance is that ive watched plenty of itsmejp DH campaign and I have actually allready joined a campaign for thursdays

My friend also has watched plenty of itsmejp Dh campaign but hasnt actually played the game yet(its hard to find a game with 2 slots!)

One other thing is we would preferable use skype or teamspeak. and use rolld20 for a virtual table top. any other virtual table top would lead us to having to learn more lol.