RtL Components separated by teams

By Bravo McWilley, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello All,

I am trying to make a list of all the components in RtL that are used by the players and OL and separate them into those 2 groups. Things like minis, effect/dungeon tokens, and the dungeon pieces are not included. I just need to include all the used components while actually playing after players have chosen thier characters and the game has begun. Heres what I have so far. Please include anything I might have forgotten and also submit your suggestions if something is "out of place". I have all the expansions.


3 Treasure Decks (copper - gold)

3 Skill Decks



Town Equipment/Upgrades Deck

Rumor deck


Encounter Deck

Location Deck

Dungeon Deck

Upgrade Deck (Avatar/LTs)

Conquest Tokens

Threat Tokens

Plot Deck

OL Deck

Players will need the Black / Silver / Gold power dice upgrade tokens and the secret training health / stamina tokens for each campaign level. I personally keep the rumor cards with the OL stuff so I can read them to the players.

Plot items (if applicable)

Terrinoth map board with Party marker, OL keep marker, Lt. markers :)

Siege markers

Feat card decks (if playing with ToI)

Wound/Fatigue markers

Crown of the Eldar King Artifact marker/card

OL Treachery deck

Avatar sheet

Hero sheets