I have a question about pinning.
We ran into this situation where we weren't exactly sure what to do:
Is this considered a traditional scrum so that the Bloodthirster , despite having Frenzy , only engages the topmost Orc Boyz disk and so can only damage that one single disk this round,
does he pin all three Orc Boyz disks and, thanks to Frenzy, deals damage to all three disks and is being dealt damage from all three disks this round in return?
I have checked all examples in the rulebook but none of them were really conclusive.
To resolve the situation, we chose to err on the side of carnage and decided that all disks deal damage to each other so everyone died (the Bloodthirster had a wound).
But which way is right?
If the Bloodthirster also dealt impact damage, would he deal it to all three disks, or just the topmost one?
Edited by Timpro