Hi everybody,
I've got some card to exchange in a way to end up my collection. I finally get under the limit of 50 cards missing, so go ahead proposing me trades. I use to send the card in protected sleeves + hardened sleeves, so you get the cards in Mint or Near Mint Condition.
Here's what I propose to trade (my offer). Please remark that I mentionned the language between the name:
Come to a ghastly End X 1
Dream of the great Old One X1
Book of Dzian X1
Escape the Portal X1
Irresistible Allure X1
A turn for the Worse X1
Unfortunate Kat Klaus X1
Dexter Asylum X1
Mountain of Madness X1
Evil Awaken X1
Tentacular Spectacular X1
Priest of the desert Moon X1
Shadow Over cairo X1
Man Best Friend X1
Cruelle Tentation (Fr) X1
Messager Impie (Fr) X1
Degénérescence (Fr) X1
Challenge from Beyond (Eng) X1
- 1 x Grizzled Vet (Eng)
- 1 x Paul LeMond (Fr)
- 1 x Kick It Upstair (Eng)
- 1 x January Stones (Fr)
- 1x Service Notice (ENg)
- 1 x Agency Stakeout (Eng)
- 1 x FIre of Asshurbanipal (Eng)
- 1 x Back to Basic (Fr)
- 1x Unexpected Ally (Fr)
- 1 x Tour du Monde (Fr)
- 1 x Cleaning House (Eng)
- 2 x Kick it Upstairs (FR)
- 1 x Mercenaire du Caire (FR)
- 2 x Norman Blackwell Jr (FR)
- 1 x Rite de Passage (FR)
- 2 x Pièces des Scéllés (FR)
- 1 x Kirby O'Donnel (Eng or Fr)
- 1 x Blessed Dawn (Eng)
- 1 x An Intriguing Offer (fr)
- 1 x Erased From History (Eng)
- 2 x Vin Saturnien (FR)
- 1 x Historic Discovey (Eng)
- 1x Soleil Impitoyable (Fr)
- 1 x Comparing Note (Eng)
- 1 x Incommensurable (Fr)
- 1 x Mysterious Benefactor (Eng)
- 1 x Mu Hsein (Fr)
- 2 x Dr Ali KAFOUR (FR)
- 1 x Recherches Secrètes (FR)
- 1 x Secrets de Bubastis (FR)
- 2 x Murmures de Novembre (FR)
- 2 x Professeur d'Archéologie (FR)
- 1 X Frenzied Reasearch (ENG)
- 1 x Découverte Historique (FR)
- 1 x yian (Fr)
- 1 x November Whisper (Fr)
- 1 x Saturnian Wine (Eng)
- 2 x Histoire Perdues d'Hérodote (FR and Eng)
- 1 x Richard Upton Pickman (Eng)
- 1 x Show of Loyalty (Fr)
- 1 x Koth (Fr or Eng)
- 1 x One for the Road (Fr)
- 2 x Pass Pass (FR)
- 2 x Jack "Brass" Brady (FR)
- 1 x Hatchetman (FR)
- 1 x Danny O'Bannion (Eng)
- 1 x Doctor Marinus Bicknell Willet (Fr)
- 1 x Telling no Tales (Eng)
- 1 x La rancon du Silence (Fr)
- 1 x J'ai besoin d'un verre (FR)
- 1 X Hired Mystic (Eng)
- 1 x Icon of the Nameless Pharaoh (Eng)
- 2 x Livre d'Yvon (FR and Eng)
- 2 x Auto-dafé (1 FR +1 Eng)
- 1 x Chiens d'aout (FR)
- 1 x Eglise de St Toad (FR)
- 1 x Captain Obed MArch
- 1 x Chakota (Eng)
- 1 x Innsmouth Shoggotoh (Eng)
- 1 x Shadow Spawn Hunting Horror (Fr)
- 1 x Howls of Jackals (Fr)
- 1 x Sky Torn Asunder (Fr)
- 1 x Etablissement de Soins privés (Fr)
- 2 x Into the Deep (FR)
- 2 x Rains in April (FR)
- 2 x Terrible Beauty (ENG)
- 1 x Secret Murders (Fr)
- 1 x Keeper of the Ancient Ways (Eng)
- 1 x Calling the Great Priest (Eng)
- 1 x Aquatic ambush (Eng)
- 1 x Carl Stanford (FR)
- 2 x Victoria Glasser (Fr)
- 1 x Prof Staunton (Fr)
- 1 x Carcosa is all (Eng or Fr)
- 1 x Ce qui n'est pas (Fr)
- 1 x Messenger from Beyond (Fr)
- 1 x Predatory Byakhee (Eng)
- 1 x Old city Bazar (Eng)
- 1 x Soleil Voilé (Fr)
- 1 x An eternal Oath (Fr)
- 1 x Mass hysteria (Eng)
- 1 x Unsettling Visions (Eng)
- 1 x Bone Pipes of Madness (Eng)
- 2 x Byakhee Prédateur (FR)
- 3 x Interstellar Visitor (2 Fr et 1 Eng)
- 2 x Thanks be to Shudme'll (FR or Eng)
- 2 x Buzzing of Locusts (FR and Eng)
- 1 x Mi-go Scout (Eng)
- 1 x M'weru (Eng or Fr)
- 1 x The Mother Bounty (Eng)
- 1 x Alien Researcher (Eng)
- 1 x Spawn of K'n'Yan (Eng)
- 1 x tcho tcho Lama (Fr)
- 1 x Y'golonac (Fr)
- 2 x Nécropole Antique (FR)
- 1 x Veneration of Apis (ENG)
- 1 x Propagation (fr)
- 1 x Lake of Glaaki (Fr)
- 1 x Engeance de Bubastis (Fr)
- 1 x Rampaging Chtonian (Eng)
- 1 x Ezbekhyeh gardens
- 1 x Scientifique des choses anciennes (Eng)
- 3 x De Vermis Mysteris (FR)
- 2 x Marche de Février (FR)
- 1 x Master of the Key (Eng)
- 1 x Chant of Thoth (eng)
- 1 x the Wave Function (Fr)
- 1 x Ho Fong (Eng)
- 1 x Hermetic Scholar (Eng)
- 1 x Winlock Digg (Eng)
Neutral (incolores):
- 1 x Tueur a gages (FR)
- 1 x Temple de Nephren Ka (FR)
- 1 x Chose de la Grotte (FR)
- 1 x Curiosity colector (Eng)
- 1 x Sword of St Jerome (eng)
- 1 x Azatoth (Eng)
- 1 x Assistan to Doc West (Eng)
- 1 x Tsatoggha (Eng)
- 1 x K'n'Yan (Eng)
- 1 x Nyarlathotep (Fr ) pareil très rare
- 1 x Grey Dragon Island (Eng)
- 1 x Lime House Docks (Fr)
- 1 x Strange Aeons (eng)
- 1 x Ultima Thulé (FR)
- 1 x Father of Bats (Eng)
- 1 x Bloody tongue (Eng)