Corrupted tiles from AoD

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The tile manifest in AoD mentions three corrupted dead ends. These are not present in my copy, as I just recently noticed.

Do other people have these pieces or is it a misprint in the manifest?

Oh, and while we are here: Do I understand it correctly that the threat generation on corrupted terrain works for every wound and every fatigue lost? I.e. re-equipping = 2 fatigue = 2 threat; a hit that deals 8 wounds = 16 threat? The rules might be read in a way that in my example just one 1 or 2 threat would be generated.

Parathion said:

The tile manifest in AoD mentions three corrupted dead ends. These are not present in my copy, as I just recently noticed.

Do other people have these pieces or is it a misprint in the manifest?

Oh, and while we are here: Do I understand it correctly that the threat generation on corrupted terrain works for every wound and every fatigue lost? I.e. re-equipping = 2 fatigue = 2 threat; a hit that deals 8 wounds = 16 threat? The rules might be read in a way that in my example just one 1 or 2 threat would be generated.

I think I have them but never really checked.

Yes. The Corrupted terrain text on Page 7 AoD makes it very clear that it is each wound lost and each fatigue spent. See the 'instant death' part. 8 wounds =16 threat.

I thought so as well, but I´m not sure some linguistic rules lawyer could extract something different here.

Could somebody please check if he has the tiles?

I'll take a look at my set when I get home, but I'm almost positive that I have three corrupted end pieces.

I definitely have 3 corrupted dead end tiles. Depending on the quality of the print job they might be difficult to tell apart from regular end pieces, so look carefully. (I didn't actually notice them until I was almost finished sorting the bits from AoD after I first bought it.) If they for sure aren't there, contact customer support.

I'm certain I have the tiles as well, and certain that another in my playgroup has in his copy too... hope it helps

Parathion, I just checked my German copy and it has 3 corrupted dead ends. You seem to be missing one.

At first I found only two, but one had hidden itself among the "normal" dead ends. They do look very similar.

Thanks to all. In the meantime I located the little bastards. They were hiding amongst other, rarely used tokens.