Quest 4 of the core game.

By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The start area of the 4th quest (Of the core game) is made of 4 piece. do we consider this as a single room or the walls are present and split the room in 4?

PS: I ask the question everywhere and have always the same answers... This time, I want and OFFICIAL answer based on rule book, a kevin answer, a FAQ or something that can be official please...


Bashwilly said:

The start area of the 4th quest (Of the core game) is made of 4 piece. do we consider this as a single room or the walls are present and split the room in 4?

PS: I ask the question everywhere and have always the same answers... This time, I want and OFFICIAL answer based on rule book, a kevin answer, a FAQ or something that can be official please...


You probably won't be able to find an official direct answer. This is one of those areas that is just so strait forward it just doesn't need answering. There are walls there. What makes people think they aren't there? Because they are thin ? Because they don't think they should be there?

There may be a few indirect examples that may show this, though I'm not sure if they are official or not and will have a look. But an indirect official answer may be as good as you can get.

If you look carefully at the leap attack example diagram on pg9 AoD you will note that the 'walls' between the 4x4 room on the right and the 6x4 room in the middle have distinctly thicker clear lines than in between other spaces, clearly (IMO) indicating the presence of a wall 9or at the very least something different from other adjacent spaces, which can only be a wall). This is an indirect (but official) indication that there are walls between tiles except at the entrance-ways.
That is the only even indirect indication out of the 4 (5 incl RtL) rule sets and the FAQ.

DJitD Pg 9
Figures may move into any adjacent space (including diagonal spaces) for 1 movement point each, but must remain on the board at all times during their move.
DJitD Pg 4
The map pieces are linked in various ways to form the game board. Each square on the board is considered one space. Every space that is touching a given space (even at the corners) is adjacent to that given space.

Note that the spaces on either side of the 'wall' are not actually (quite) touching each other (and therefore not adjacent ), and to move between them a figure must leave the mapboard (even if only for a mm or so) in order move between them as well.

As to the actual quest in question, without the quest guide handy I can't comment directly. However, the above rules still stand.

I fully agree with Corbon on this.

Not that it probably means anything that I fully agree, but just wanted to throw some support behind his statement.

I agree with Big Remy, who agrees with Corbon.

If you are looking for an OFFICIAL answers, you will need to e-mail the question directly to FFG. They do not respond to posts (typically).

Bashwilly said:

The start area of the 4th quest (Of the core game) is made of 4 piece. do we consider this as a single room or the walls are present and split the room in 4?

PS: I ask the question everywhere and have always the same answers... This time, I want and OFFICIAL answer based on rule book, a kevin answer, a FAQ or something that can be official please...


If you're only interested in an OFFICIAL answer, then you should look in the OFFICIAL sources instead of posting here. ie: read the rulebook, read the FAQ, email FFG is you have to.

For what it's worth, the walls would exist normally unless there was somethingin the quest description to say they don't. There's nothing in the quest that says they don't, so they do. Period. Official.

Thanks for your answer, I will try to post to FFG. I guess i have 1 chance out of 10000000 to be answer to the question lengua.gif

I can't post the question, the server doesn't work...

I doubt you will get an answer. My questions to them have been ignored - questions posted after the latest FAQ in which they specifically tell people to write to them...

But I agree with all the other people on this thread. The walls are there. And thats official! happy.gif

In many quests with the rooms in question, there will be doors separating two of them in the middle. It there are not walls there, why is there a door? Who would open the door when it risks having a trap played on you when you can just step around them?

In the case of quest 4, if I remember it correctly, it is a bit confusing. I seem to remember wondering about this one myself. I think this is one made of 4 4x4s maybe with a rubble in the middle. The rubble seems to be there to "cover up" some of the spaces between the smaller 4x4 At the time the quest was made, the larger piece from ToI didn't exist yet, so it's possible that was FFG's attempt one big room. Without them coming out and saying otherwise, however, I would have to agree that technically these rooms are separate. It certainly makes spawning a lot more possible for the OL...which may not be such a bad thing for an earlier quest in JitD.

If you get an "official" answer, I'd be interested to see it.

Feanor said:

In the case of quest 4, if I remember it correctly, it is a bit confusing. I seem to remember wondering about this one myself. I think this is one made of 4 4x4s maybe with a rubble in the middle. The rubble seems to be there to "cover up" some of the spaces between the smaller 4x4 At the time the quest was made, the larger piece from ToI didn't exist yet, so it's possible that was FFG's attempt one big room. Without them coming out and saying otherwise, however, I would have to agree that technically these rooms are separate. It certainly makes spawning a lot more possible for the OL...which may not be such a bad thing for an earlier quest in JitD.

This answer illustrate perfectly my state of mind about this gui%C3%B1o.gif The rubber seem to be a big one (2x2) and cover the wall... And when they create this quest, the biggest piece was a 6x6... They probably want to create a big room (8x8) and use four 4x4 to do it...

We also had doubts about this when we first played this Quest. But I mean, as long as the Overlord and the other Players agree on one or the other (walls or not) at the beginning of the game, there is no need to look at every rulebook and every line.

If players are arguying about this right from the start, it's not a good sign. We personnaly thought it was more logical to have a big room without walls.

Ezhaeu said:

We also had doubts about this when we first played this Quest. But I mean, as long as the Overlord and the other Players agree on one or the other (walls or not) at the beginning of the game, there is no need to look at every rulebook and every line.

If players are arguying about this right from the start, it's not a good sign. We personnaly thought it was more logical to have a big room without walls.

The only arguing in this particular area (walls in large rooms) is hero players (usually) trying to weasel out of the OL actually having some potential spawn locations. The fact is that the walls are there. Right physically there on the table-top! Printed in the art on the tiles as well. Get. Over. It. (To heroes in general, not anyone in particular), you are HEROES for crying out loud, not weasel-ly little slimeballs. demonio.gif

I'm an overlord and I prefer to have a single big room...

I agree that the walls are there, but I'm torn on the center blocks being passable with things like acrobat. Those blocks do kind of override the walls IMO, but the rest of the walls are clearly there.

I have played this map a few times, but never even thought about the walls. I think I just played it as one big room. I guess my brain fills in the gaps of the developers!

We treated it as 4 rooms with walls. As no one has the acrobat ability in my group, the blocks were not an issue. However, I get the immpresion that the blocks intent is to make it into a large contiguous space with a pile of rubble in the middle and small alcoves.

pinkymadigan said:

I agree that the walls are there, but I'm torn on the center blocks being passable with things like acrobat. Those blocks do kind of override the walls IMO, but the rest of the walls are clearly there.

I would agree that an acrobat could pass over the center blocks. Once again, there's no special text in the quest that says they are impassable by such things.