Immersion: Find it here

By Traejun, in Rogue Trader

Hi folks, this was recently presented to the surviving crew in my long-running Rogue Trader campaign by the recently deceased Missionary (who was one of the last original characters). It takes the form of a journal and last will and testament. I think this is the embodiment of what RPGs can be, if players let them and GMs learn how to immerse their players in the world they crafted.

This sort of the thing is the epitome of what a GM wants to see. I am honored to have had someone in one of my campaigns do something like this.

Thank you, Harry.

*Note: This is quite lengthy.

Rogue Trader character: Roland Astralos Bio

- You see in front of you a heavy, leather bound tome, banded with steel frames and a lock as well. A small key sits nearby on the desk, and upon using it the latch would flip open to a foreword and a small picture held pressed against the cover. -

A small Foreword to the reader of this tome, this is the journal and documentation of the travels of Roland Astralos, Missionary to the holy word of the god-emperor of man. This will also serve as my last will and testament should this be the only thing remaining of my self after being lost in space, killed in action or any other equally destructive event happening to befall me. This tome shall contain my life and story and my travels within the void of space.

All I ask of the reader should they find this after I have expired is please look to the request on the back, if nothing more bring this to who I am crewed with at the time or to the temple of his glory on the planet, Tranch within the Adrantis sub-sector of Calixis, and within the City spire of transdale at the cross of the Arelian Transport station and the Crossway market.

Entry One, 868.999.M41

I have been tasked with keeping record of what is to come and what has passed, both of my own task and recommended by friends and company to do so, as to help keep one’s mind’s and memory sharp as they keep telling me one’s memory can falter. Mine does not. My memories are imprinted upon my brain like ink upon this page, and they talk and shout and scream with voices that shall never fade from my mind, both for reasons of kindness and joy, and others of hatred and sadness.

But I guess that would require reasoning to why, but I guess that is the purpose of this tome, to act as a recorder for my past and future. and to be proof of my existence within this world. I guess I shall start from the beginning of this tale.

I was born onto the small hive world of Tranch within the Adrantis sub sector, and the city of Transdale to my parents, who names I never knew but for only the surname I carry. They were bone carvers and labor within the hive tower, people on the bottom of the ladder of the society we live in. But I loved them and they loved me. Even though we had nothing we were happy, as we worked hard and honestly and prayed to the god-emperor of man with fervor and pride. My mother loving to recite and sing hymns from the book of his word and my father would tell me tales and stories of the space marines and the emperor and all of what was happening within the world.

I know now that they would have struggled to survive, even more with me with them and yet I always think of them and remember them smiling and laughing. One day, around when I was six I was outside the home, exploring around, looking for trinkets and tools and rubbish, when I remember seeing some strange people down from the small place in which we lived on the ground floor. I followed them, curious of their strange dress and looks. I followed them a few blocks but I sadly lost them in the crowd. As I was walking back I heard a earth shattering noise, louder than the roar of a cannon or scream of twisting steel.

It was my home. The spire we lived under had been attacked by some call terrorists, others cultists, it was never truly known. What was known however was a segment of the spire had broken off and landed on our small shack. I knew they were dead. Somewhere in my head I knew they were gone but it only truly sunk in when I walked to it and saw a mangled arm launched from the pile of rubble that was once my home. My mother’s arm.

I remember digging through the rubble to no avail, all the while tears pouring down my face, digging til night fell and I curled into a ball, cry and screaming for my mother and father. I remember waking up, seeing scavengers picking through as well, trying to claim various things that once were my family’s for their own. I was scared… terrified, I ran from what I had always known and out into the streets, and thus began three wretched years of my life as a orphan of the spire.

A guttersnipe with no home, no family and no friends. And yet I was saved from this life, either it being by fate, destiny or by the emperors own holy hand I was saved. By a kind old priest who at the time I thought nothing more than a old fool.

I was nine at the time, currently begging off to the side of the road, many people passing by, inattentive and uncaring to others plight. when I saw two old men in the robes of the Ecclesarcharity and they were talking about a part of the book of his word. One was rather short and slightly fat, his hair a pale grey and spacing out, and his companion A tall man, his hair and long beard white with age, his face drawn but holding a pleasant smile.

The Short one was talking and trying to remember a phrase from the good book, and failing to do so only thinking of the first few lines “ From ye who save thy hand from a fellow man… fellow, blast what is it?”

I knew it by heart. as it related to one of my mothers favorite songs, so I spoke from my spot “From ye who save thy hand from thy fellow man, blessed is he for he saves another from needless death and keeps them in servitude to the holy light of the emperor.”

They both looked to me, stunned that someone who looked the part of a filthy street urchin would know any part of the book or his gospel. The tall one looked to me and asked me my name, and I told it to him. He asked me where I had learned that line, and I told him from my mother. He asked where she was and I told him, gone. I looked up to him and I swear in that moment I saw a glow come from his, a aura of something I can not truly explain. Serenity? Calm? Kindness? What transpired however was a blessing from the Emperor himself.

He looked to me and asked me if I would like to come to the chapel with his and I asked what for, and he said simply “Why I need someone to help me with scripture of course.” and thus started my new life as an assistant to Chaplin Amadias Delros, the man who I looked to as a teacher, friend, and father.

He taught me quite a lot about everything around us in this world, in this life that we live. About service, about loyalty, about knowing when to hold one's hand and when to let it go but one thing that he taught me more over than anything was a trait not commonly found within the imperium of man. Kindness. He was a man who could forgive another man for his transgressions, weather that be lying, cheating, gambling, drinking or so forth, he always gave people another chance. another try, a second chance to prove themselves worthy of the emperor’s light.

This lesson was instilled into me around the age of fifteen when I was working within the isles of the chapel, arranging and dusting when a man came in. A decrepit soul and husk of a man, drug addled, and mutated he was an abomination to the eyes and ears. I went to go and shout him out, to remove him from the chapel and from the emperor’s gaze when I was told to halt in Amadias stern voice. I froze as he stepped forward to the man and asked him his business, and he responded to pray. So he lead him, assisted him in walking to the altar and prayed with him. I was stunned and shocked that he would let such an abominable creature to his holy visage but I stood there, silent. Once they were done he lead him back out and bid him farewell, and once he left Amadias turned to me and said “Ye shall never turn away someone who wishes for the Emperor’s blessing my child, for we are all his children. Now go wash up, supper is almost upon us.”

I took this lesson to heart, as I did all my lessons with him, literacy, healing the sick and wounded, and when in times of necessity need, the training of using weapons. I loved him like family and thought of him as such. That made it sting all the more when I had to watch him die.

In the end it was his own teachings that lead to his demise but he can not be faulted for it as he was only doing what he thought was right. But that day I remember it all so clearly. I was on the second floor of the chapel during my twenty-first year and reaching the end of my priestly training praying when I heard a loud bang of the door swinging open. Gangers had appeared, some group of scum wearing cheap leather clothing and wielding las pistols. The big one.. the one they called boss was looking about, and laughing at the terrified perishers, all except Amadias who stood as stoic as ever as they were taking people’s money left and right.

He told them to leave the house of the lord, saying they were committing terrible heresy and if they left they could still be saved. The big one laughed, shouting something I could not hear, He then stepped forward and waves the pistol at him. I started to rush down to the lower level transcending the stairs when I heard the discharge. Something I had not felt for a very long time came into me… fear.

When I got to the bottom they were gone, along with several items of the church, and Amadias Lying on the floor. I rushed to his side and called for the other priests to help him, as we all took him to a foyer upstairs. We tried the best we could but he passed an hour after.

I stayed in that foyer with the body, laid out across the bed with a look of peace on his face, a fresh robe dawned unto him. I stayed there after all others had left, late into the night and I prayed and for the first time since the death of my family I cried, for it had happened again. This time however I was no longer a helpless child, I was no longer scared, and for the first time I knew who was responsible. What I felt I do not know what to call it but I knew it felt dark, primal but euphoric in its own twisted right. I grabbed a holy chain sword and flamer from the chapels armoury and headed out into the streets, wandering and searching, Til I found them, holed up in a hovel in the side of a spire within the slums of the city. I saw him. The one that had shot the only man who I had ever truly known as a friend and family.

A red and black mist had descended upon me, fueled by rage, anger and sadness. All I remember is screaming, shouting, the sound of weapon discharge… and blood. The next thing I remember is coming out of this haze to find the mangled and charred bodies of the gangers all around me, and my hands around the neck of the leader, strangling the lifeless corpse as tears rolled down my face. In my horror I dropped the body and sat there for a moment before promptly vomiting in a corner, grabbing my weapons and scrambling back to the chapel as fast as I could, hearing the boots of imperial guard getting close to the scene of the carnage.

I got back to the chapel and I tosses the weapons back into the armoury, too stunned and sickened by my actions to even bother to clean them. as I trudged to the small foyer where they held Amadias body, the sun slowly rising. I sat down in a chair near by, exhaustion filling my ever fiber of being. I knew they would all see the blood, the carnage, I would be seen as a monster, a butcher, a mad man. I felt ashamed that I had given in to such a primal urge and with such carnal ferocity. I prayed and while overwatching his body I fell asleep, drifting quietly off into uneasy dreams.

It was then, at that moment in time I had a dream, or more to a vision and how I came to choose what I must do with my life. I awoke into a golden chapel, glorious beyond definition, gilded with imagery and regality beyond compare, it all overflowing with holy light, but as I turned my face forward I saw three figures standing beside what I could only describe as a giant throne of incandescent and beautiful light, stood my mother, my father and Amadias, all looking to me, and smiling. Before the throne sat a giant tome that flew open and showed the verse, my mothers verse and the verse that found me my new life.

“From ye who save thy hand from thy fellow man, blessed is he for he saves another from needless death and keeps them in servitude to the holy light of the emperor.” and yet, it glowed, and with it the next part of the text “But ye as a servant of the god-emperor be ready to strike down the evil’s of chaos and destruction where it may be, and to strike with holy fury.”

As I read these words aloud a form came from the throne, with authority and presence unknown to my mortal eyes. It held out a large, armoured and gilded hand and spoke a single sentence.

“Go, and spread my word.”

I awoke with a start, and looked about the room, it could have been no more than a hour by the position of the sun and yet, so much had changed. My robes were free of blood and the body had been taken away, I came downstairs to find the fellow priests working and mulling about, the chapel weapons gone. I had no clue what had happened and nay I doubt I ever will, but it from that moment I knew I had to go and preach the holy word.

I completed my training in the next month, also turning to the age of twenty two as I expressed my need to become a missionary. The head’s of the chapel agreed and offered to send me to the space station to begin my way. They gave me some money, some supplies and two weapon from the holy armoury, A Chain sword and a Holy Flamer, both the same I used in my purging. Along with something Amadias left to me, something special. his Aquila Pendent. Old and worn it still was something he treasured and now something I treasure to, something that I use every day. I then spent the next four years of my life traveling, spreading the word of the Holy Emperor of man to all who would listen and to destroy all those who would wish to undermine it or use it for their own ends.

I am now currently staying in a small inn at a place called port wander space station, awaiting a transport to come to the next planet. May the emperor forever guide me in this journey to spread his word to those beyond his reach, and may my family know peace and joy at his side.

-Signed by The Missionary of his Holy creed

Roland Astralos

- In the back of the book you see a small list of objects that he owns and who they would be sent to, along with the addresses and small notes to be attached to them. The picture from before is of what you assume Roland and Amadias standing side by side smiling, Roland appearing to be only around sixteen-

- You see through the pages of the tome there are many various journal entries regarding his travels and adventures and in the back you see a list labeled as “Addendums”. You see the names of the senior staff of the rogue trader vessel “The unyielding fury” and they list as follows -

-Cyrus Von Kron-

T o Lord-captain Cyrus Von Kron, Captain and master of the Von Kron Dynasty and a man of great vision, I will say that it was a honor to serve on your vessel, as you commanded a well oiled and prosperous domain. For the years I have served with you I have come to see you as an individual as well as a captain and for all that you do, I can tell that your past weighs heavily upon your shoulders, and is a driving force behind you.

Fear not for your past and dwell not on your failings, good Cyrus, for you have lead a good life, made strong allies and have built a name worth speaking. In the eyes of the Emperor you have become a fine example of humanity, and within mine you have become a friend.

-Emelie Von Kron-

T o Lady-Regent Emelie Von Kron. in the time I have known you and the shorter time I have served under you, I have seen you go under great and tremendous growth as both a person and a professional. You have flourished from someone who seemed to care little for life and instead into a person who commands courage, honor and respect.

I have seen however that at times you doubt yourself and your actions, unsure of how sound or correct they may be. Do away with these thoughts and these qualms, as I put my word on the line to say you are a fine captain and leader. Be sure to treat your crew fairly and with tact, as they are your children and responsibility within the void, be something not that they fear, but aspire to.

- Gil Montus -

T o our fine and exalted follower of the machine god, Gil Montus, I say only a few words. I still plan to have that debate with you over a few drinks, so don't let your mind and processor dull. for when we next meet I will be prepared, and I will make sure to have the drinks and table ready.

-Drake Oblitus -

T o Drake, our traveler of the void, I would like to try to make amends for my actions, even if its a little too late. I understand what transpired with the tank was a accident, and I do think to myself that I was harsh regarding the incident; However I did so with reason. I have heard a great many things about you, most of which was of your misdeeds. However I did hear stories of good, of selfless actions and for this is why I pressed to you to the degree I have.

Within the void of space there is the crucible that wrings out the wickedness in men, and through its trials we become a better person, a better being. You are traversing it as you read this and as most you needed a push in the right direction. I hope I was able to give it to you.

- Conneach Finley -

T o the ever bold and humorous man of arms, I would like to reiterate my words from before, that you are a very lucky man. You have a good life, a respectable work, well honed skill and a darling wife, and to see something like this, in such a world we all live in, it made me as happy as can be. You took steps to move from a life that was appealing to one harder, but from what I can gather much more rewarding.

Do not worry about our lessons, as I prepared for such an event, simply follow the list I left for you and you will be fine. After all a good teacher is prepared for any occasion, and I am blessed to have someone I could call both a friend and for a time, student.

- Juno Senia -

T o our dutiful senechal and to the wife and keeper of finley, I ask you to fear not for the future for I see for you it holds great promise of many things. From what has transpired I know you are hard on yourself, and unforgiving of your past misdeeds, how little they may be. However I wish for you to remember the words I spoke to you before, and to hold them close in times of dire need.

You are much stronger then you let yourself know and I pray you come to see this in the years to come. Oh, and if Finley is ever to stubborn to admit it, he truly does care for you, with all his heart. I imagine no other reason than to put up with my ranting and terrible teaching.

- Two vox tapes seems to be put within the tome, their respective labels reading as below and playing as -

My last Sermon to the crew of “The Unyielding fury” and to the Von Kron Dynasty

- it labels instructions to be put into the ships vox systems at the time of prayer -

Greetings to all who would care to listen, if you are hearing this then this means this is my last sermon I will have the honor of orating to you wonderful people. I do not have the pleasure to know when or how my end will come, but only that it will. This is the ultimate fate of man, to eventually come to a close. However this is no need to worry, to fret or to grieve.

Mans time on the stage of life, of time and of space in the grand view of it all is very short, cold and sadly for many, grim. To lead a short and brutish life, filled with sadness and grief. This however is not the true purpose of man, and not of his true fate.

Humanity's purpose is not to die out in a clash of anger and violence or to go and dominate all within its path, becoming like the very monsters it wishes to destroy. Humanitys true purpose is to expand through the stars, working beside the denizens of the universe that would fight with honor, dignity and valor. To bandish and to remove the encroaching darkness that threatens to swallow everything into a crass orgy of bloodshed and chaos.

We stand as a testament to this idea, this ship having seen the footfalls and lives of many races, of tau, eldar, kroot, ork, those touched by the warp, powers of the worlds beyond our vision and with these we have traveled to the farthest stars and have face adversity and triumphed. We stand united together under a single banner, a single dynasty and with our might we stand as an example to all others, An idea of unity, of the many races of this existence working together for a common goal, united together under the light of the god-emperor of man and common interest.

However these may just be the last words of a now gone priest, nothing more than ramblings to the winds. However this was a idea instilled into me by the person I considered my teacher and father and to let this idea die with my passing is something I will not stand. I share amongst all of you this idea, this vision of what one day may be. But until this day does comes I will continue to pray, for myself, for this crew, and for the rest of life, praying that one day this idea will come true.”

“To love thy brother in holy arms, whether it be within times of peace or war, prosperity or in the face of demise, is the truest love one can show, and of it within its purest form.”

Emperor Protects

My last message to the senior staff of the Von Kron Dynasty’s vessel “The unyielding fury”

- You see a fuzzy pic feed of Roland sitting at his desk in his room, dressed down in casual attire his robes place to the side. His face looks worn and determined -

“Hello… if you are hearing this, it means I have gone to meet the Emperor of man, and to be judged for my actions and tasks upon the life we tread upon, and if this Pic feed is getting to the right group I should be addressing the senior officers of the “Unyielding fury” of the Von Kron Dynasty. I am at a loss for words, at the moment. It is not every day one gets a chance to write their own final goodbye. But I will not squander this opportunity, as one never knows, so I will be brief.

Thank you. Thank you for letting me be here on this ship and part of this crew for as long as I have been. To those who I have known from my entire stay with this dynasty, such as the good captain Cyrus himself, I will say it has been a supreme honor and pleasure to work with you all, and to the newer officers, such as finley and Juno I am deeply saddened I have not gotten the opportunity to get to know you as much as I would like to, and to the rest I am happy I even got the chance to know you all.

I have heard, seen and done many things throughout my short life, and I am grateful for all that I have done and happy to get to meet you all. While I have left more personal notes to each of you within my book there is something I would like to address, to all of you. Among all of you I see something I do not normally see within people whom travel among the stars, who gaze and move within the void of space.

Humanity. I see within you the spark of humanity, of life, of something that can’t be extinguished, that shines through each of you in the way you move, act, speak, and exist within this cruel and twisted world. I ask, no beg something of you all, as if it truly comes to it as a last request from me to you. Don’t lose this spark.

Dont lose your spark of humanity, your person to the gaping maw of space, to sell it for power and control, to greed or anger. Its what separates us from the deamons and monsters of the far reaches of the warp, of the twisted abominations of deep space. it gives us reason, it gives up compassion and most of all it gives us hope.

From all the people I have listened to, to all the sins I have heard confessed what I always hear is the loss of ones spark, of one’s part of humanity. To some pleasure, some promise of control, power or to pure and unbridled madness that lies in man’s hearts. I ask you all to hold it close, and to treasure it, for it is your greatest asset in this world.

And I ask one last thing. What you do with my body is no concern to me, as it is simply the vessel in which I wandered in, however there are a few objects of personal nature I hope you can bring to the planet listed at the start of the tome. My aquilla symbol, my chainsword and my flamer. They are gifts from the people who raised me and I wished it returned to them, if possible.

Other than this these are my last words. Thank you all… truly.

“From ye who save thy hand from thy fellow man, blessed is he for he saves another from needless death and keeps them in servitude to the holy light of the emperor.”

Emperor Protects

- The pic feed goes dark -

Edited by Traejun