I'm playing as the overlord against 3 heroes and we've just cleared the Shadow Vault quest of the Shadow Rune campaign, which is the interlude for that campaign. Heroes won it quite easily. There were some good fights, but my monsters respawn too far from the battlefield so the heroes are able to advance faster than my monsters. Since they rest/heal themselves a lot, I cannot keep them under pressure during the campaign.
My question is if you think I should plan for anything in particulater in order to keep up with my heroes in terms of challenge? I am not unlucky with my dice rolls at all, as I happen dish tons of damage and get to kill at least each hero once every encounter (that means a lot of threat tokens), but my monsters are getting slaughtered by Logan Lashley along with the team's huge healing capacity.
Their team:
- Logan Lashley - Thief
Lucky charm/Bow of Bone/Immunity Elixir
He gets three dices if he doesn't move and a +3 surge as well. I normally Dark Charm him to get him in the middle of my monsters but I start to believe making him shoot instead would be a better option given the damage output. One huge issue is the fact I cannot immobilize him and he can re-roll skill checks.
- Grisban the Thirsty - Berserker
Chipped Greataxe/Fortuna's dice/Phoenix Pendant
Nothing to complain about, really. He makes very poor rolls BUT he is a big tank so my attacks often need to focus on him in order to get my monsters into position.
- Augur Grisom - Disciple
Prayer of healing/Blessed Strike/Radiant Light
Iron mace/Elm Greatbow/Iron shield/Leather armor/Ring of power
Quite weak, but his abilities are insane. Every turn he would always Rest + Radiant Light. Monsters have no defense against it, it is pure life loss.
Basic I
Warlord I: Dark Fortitude, Blood rage
Punisher I Trading Pains (since they rely heavily on the healing)
Relic: Staff of Shadows
Plot cards Seeds of Betrayal: Sole purpose, Two pronged gambit Rush of power
I have no traps as their stats are just too good for them to be of good use. I was hoping to purchase the Zachareth agent as the ability to inflict any condition has revealed to be great in order to make the heroes waste their actions or skip them.
I run a 13 cards OL deck and it's flowing very well. As said my monsters deal tons of damage. But the heroes just heal as much through Augur, and Logan kills everything. Grisban misses most of his attack due to bad dice rolls but that makes him a good tank as well.
As you can see, my heroes are well prepared/equiped. Any tips as for giving them a better challenge?
Edited by Indalecio