Returning players after a bit of a hiatus

By Dark Angelus, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Hey all, my group and I are recently returning after a rather Long hiatus from deathwatch. Before we stopped we talked about re-rolling new characters and everything and I wrote out a mission for the new characters. This is more of a quick synopsis that the gm (normally me) uses as a baseline, but I wanted to get your opinions on it and see if it's still viable. It should be noted that where it says Angelus does something that's my PC and used to further the storyline


Deathwatch mission

While the killteam is running combat drills in one of the with fortresses ready rooms, keeper carragee comes strolling in, calling the team to order.

"Brothers, we have recently regained contact with one of our serf worlds. The odd thing being that we have no idea why we lost contact 900 years ago. You are being sent planet side to refresh relations with governor Nojel. This mission falls to you lot as the newest inductees to this watch fortress. However the Emperors tarot is having difficulty when consulted on the topic of the planets black out, as such you're being allocated with 30 requisition credits for accessing extra equipment from our armoury.

Not much is known of the planetary governor currently in control, as all of our intel is dated back to when we last had relations with the planet. We have contacted them to inform them of our intent and Nojel has expressed great pleasure in once again seeing the Angels of the mighty Emperor returning to his world, and has requested we return in a spectacular fashion. Due to our exemplary relations with his ancestors we are accommodating his request. You will be entering via drop pod. Nojel has provided us with exact coordinates to land, and he will be having a festival to commemorate the event.

Your primary objective is to regain peaceful relations with the planet.

Your secondary objective is to attempt to figure out why we lost contact three centuries ago.

Make ready. Ship leaves in thirty."

With that, the keeper turns and swiftly departs, allowing no time for the recently formed kill team to ask any questions.

As the kill team embarks Ito the drop pod, the ship captain informs them thusly " fear not astartes, should your negotiations fail, we can always glass the planet" laughter can be heard in the background "drop in t minus 45 seconds"

The space marines feel the drop pod get fired from the hulk of the ship, the grav restraints keeping them from being thrown to the roof of the pod.

The drop pod servitor squawks "touchdown in 15 seconds, brace for impact"

The pod slams to the ground, shortly followed by the ramps holding bolts firing and the ramps falling to the ground as the grav restraints release. The air in the pod is suddenly filled with mass cheering. The dust begins to settle as the kill team begins walking down the ramps, showing a rather portly looking man in extravagant dress that can only be Nojel. "Greetings sky angels! Welcome to Ronctor, capital city for holinie III, the chief planet in this sector."

At this point angelus remarks on the internal vox channel that "it isn't hard to be the capital planet when there are only three habitable worlds in the system"

The governor carries on unaware of the quip. "We have a great many festivities planned for today. But if lord father everstill is correct, you aren't much for celebrations and would much rather get down to business. Come come, follow me!"

With this he begins walking at a brisk pace unbecoming one of his apparent size.

After a short walk, the team enters a large chamber with a massive desk at the head, surrounded by what appears to be many statues, all covered in heavy tarps.

Nojel walks around the side of the desk and wipes a small speck of dust off the table, mumbling to himself about to proficiency of the cleaners

"We haven't used this chamber in nearly almost 50 years, so please excuse the appearance. But fear not, we still hold the emperor in great regard, praying to him daily.

Now I know you are here to attempt to get this planet back under your thumb, but The Lord father has shown us how much we have here, and I have no plans on returning to the ways of the past. The Lord father leads us in prayer to the merciless emperor and we follow the was of his many hands. We are willing to restart negotiations, but not here. We shall send a detachment of our politicians to your sky fortress and discuss it there."

If at this point in time the kill team objects, the governor will begin to become heated and restate his demands. If yet more objections are raised, the governor growls and leaps at the kill team, a second set of arms extending from around his now lithe body frame, they count as rending claws, with a damage profile of 1d10+6 pen 5 (rending)

After he is defeated, if no one else recommends it, angelus approaches the nearest statue and pulls the shroud away, revealing not the emperor, but a good played pure strain genestealer!!!!

If the attempt to contact the orbiting ship they find all communication seems to be blocked, except for their inter-squad vox link.

After varying encounters between pure strain and half breeds the come to a massive door, and come face to face with "lord father everstill"... Also known as a brood lord!

Unable to find any reason for the blocked communication angelus walks out the side chamber to examine the surrounding village. Shortly after he departed the rest of the squad hear him come over the vox link "to me my brothers!"

As the kill team exits the chamber and find themselves on the ground floor of the courtyard the call of WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!! Can be heard as they villagers are being slaughtered by greenskins. A wired boy leads the group with a large blinking back pack. A challanging awareness test can pick out what seems to be an imperial radio jammer bastardized into his pack.

He is also equipped with a personal displacement field that removes him from the line of fire should a kill shot be on its way.

With 5 mega nobs, a horde of 20 shoota boyz and a horde of 30 choppa boyz the kill team realizes they aren't done yet. It is at this point in time the kill team realizes they might not make it out of this alive as a killa kan stumbles out of a building, covered in gore.


Any comments or anything are totally welcome