Problem with True Magick (AE240)

By Max Wax, in CoC Rules Discussion

The True Magick Card says: "RESPONSE: after you succeed at a story with at least double the total skill of the opposing player, exhaust to put a success token on that story."

What if a story is unopposed? Can the player using True Magic put an extra token as a response to the Tome's ability or he can only do it when his opponent had some characters at a story...? Please help!!!

Max Wax said:

The True Magick Card says: "RESPONSE: after you succeed at a story with at least double the total skill of the opposing player, exhaust to put a success token on that story."

What if a story is unopposed? Can the player using True Magic put an extra token as a response to the Tome's ability or he can only do it when his opponent had some characters at a story...? Please help!!!

jhaelen said:

I'd say it also works with unopposed stories, i.e. when the opponent has skill 0. As long as your skill is one or higher, you fulfill the requirement in that case.

This is correct. They have skill 0 on their side, so anything above 0 is "at least double" to zero, so you'll get an extra token.