So I read the errata on the psychic power constrict, and I am a little confused about how it all goes down. It says that every turn you test willpower, if you succeed, you act freely, but still suffer from the suffocating effect. If you fail, you must spend the turn testing toughness. If you pass you shake of the effects of the ability, if not you keep suffocating. .
Where I get confused is when you pass the willpower. Im seeing this as two things:
1. You throw off the power fully, and are back to normal.
2. You act normal for a turn, but then go back to suffocating.
If it is option 2, are you able to still test toughness to try and break free? (Obviously you want to get out as soon as possible, but there is no mention of being able to attempt when free).
I am assuming its probably option one, but im not 100% sure.
Any help clearing this up for me would be most lovely, and doing so obviously means you are very attractive and a loyal servant of the god emperor, or a faithful lord of death, if you follow darker masters.