Duplicate figurine in Well of Darkness expansion

By Mercenary, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My copy of Well of Darkness had no Runemaster Thorn miniature, and two Nanoks of the Blade. I tried searching the forums, which was frustrating, and wasn't able to find any topic addressing this problem. Am I the only one who has experienced this? And either way, what should I do to get my Thorn?

Thanks for your time, and sorry if my cursory search missed this somewhere.

I've heard of it happening before, but with different figures.

Contact the FFG Customer Service. They have a very good reputation for dealing with these things quickly.

Thank you for the prompt reply. I could have gone directly to customer service, but I had had a similar incident with Transit Diodes in Twilight Imperium, and I knew that in that case it was a universal problem for which there was a page of instructions, so I thought there might have been an analogous post here.

Again, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.