on the day??? prob
The Path of the Master Finals.
They've already been given out in the States, so technically they're already legal?
Yes they are legal, they have been given out in the States and seeing as we were meant to run our event at the same time it seems slightly churlish to me to stop people playing them. This of course leads to a couple of things, why would you pay for them in advance when you would get them for free at the event? And how do I give them all out before the event actually starts as that isn't what I had planned?
Tallgeese said:
Yes they are legal, they have been given out in the States and seeing as we were meant to run our event at the same time it seems slightly churlish to me to stop people playing them. This of course leads to a couple of things, why would you pay for them in advance when you would get them for free at the event? And how do I give them all out before the event actually starts as that isn't what I had planned?
Playing devils advocate, it doesn't feel churlish at all.
One of the points of PotM is to hand out promo's to players who have slaved for thirteen months of pain for the patches. To have the PotM promo legal for the event; and follwoing this logic to have players able to use and play a card at the event that opponents will (legitimately) be given only after they have played against these players seems wrong. Even more-so on the basis that the PotM promo is given to players in recognition of the effort they have put in, which could be seen as bitter if others have and are using the promo before them.
Also the fact that you can obtain the PotM card from the States to be playable at an event where the UK copies are being handed out doesn't sit right for the players who have put the effort in for the patches.
Personally speaking, I haven't attended the patch tournaments. I've got a few patches, but I've actively avoided mono-symbol tourneys as much as possible. It doesn't sit right that I can go on the trade forum, acquire the PotM promo and play it at the event when there are other players who will be waiting expectantly to receive copies of a promo that they have worked for. While there is nothing to stop players with patches from trading for the PotM promo before the event, it does make the patches themselves irrelevant.
Hewittzil said:
Tallgeese said:
Yes they are legal, they have been given out in the States and seeing as we were meant to run our event at the same time it seems slightly churlish to me to stop people playing them. This of course leads to a couple of things, why would you pay for them in advance when you would get them for free at the event? And how do I give them all out before the event actually starts as that isn't what I had planned?
Playing devils advocate, it doesn't feel churlish at all.
One of the points of PotM is to hand out promo's to players who have slaved for thirteen months of pain for the patches. To have the PotM promo legal for the event; and follwoing this logic to have players able to use and play a card at the event that opponents will (legitimately) be given only after they have played against these players seems wrong. Even more-so on the basis that the PotM promo is given to players in recognition of the effort they have put in, which could be seen as bitter if others have and are using the promo before them.
Also the fact that you can obtain the PotM card from the States to be playable at an event where the UK copies are being handed out doesn't sit right for the players who have put the effort in for the patches.
Personally speaking, I haven't attended the patch tournaments. I've got a few patches, but I've actively avoided mono-symbol tourneys as much as possible. It doesn't sit right that I can go on the trade forum, acquire the PotM promo and play it at the event when there are other players who will be waiting expectantly to receive copies of a promo that they have worked for. While there is nothing to stop players with patches from trading for the PotM promo before the event, it does make the patches themselves irrelevant.
Totally valid point there Matt, and one I hadn't actually thought through properly. As a result of this I am going to make a massive u turn, possibly annoying some along the way and say that the PATH OF THE MASTER PROMO WILL NOT BE LEGAL IN DECKS. If you have already created a deck with them in then I'm sorry, but there are still two weeks before the event, so there is time to make changes. If you want to test those changes you can always come down to my Pre-PotM Tournament on the 23rd May.
are cursed blood and mark of the beast legal for tis event coz that will decide which deck i use and
its prob best if i know before the day of the tourney for deck changes etc
that was covered in the sotg they won't be legal till june
Yarp, not legal, as the (hopefully) new Canadian Champs says.................