Desecent: Organized Play

By Daemon Cow, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Whenever Fantasy Flight organizsed play articles come up, I never see anything for Descent (2nd Edition). I only find things like Android: Netrunner or Call of Cthulu . Is there no organized play for Descent? For other games, they post a list of stores where the gameplay will be held, but I've never seen anyhting for Descent.

I find it hard to believe that there is no organized play whatsoever for Descent. Could someone please direct me to where there is organized play info that involves Descent (if there is any)?

Thanks in Advance,

Daemon Cow

I'm not sure of a list for where Organized Play will be held for Descent, but I know they are doing it. They posted a co-op expansion specifically for the Organized Play sessions.

Ah, I see it now. Thank you very much; you've been most helpful

Anyone know of a way to find locations that are holding the organized play? Not really wanting to call dozens of places.