So I noticed yesterday that the new expansions are at the printers now, and it got me excited for them all over again.
I'm getting very antsy for more news about what we can expect from the factions. Anyway, since we aren't getting any news, and this forum has been all but dead recently, I thought I'd throw out a couple of questions.
1.) What new faction or reinforcements for an existing army are you most excited about?
2.) What special rule are you looking forward to learning more about and seeing how it works in game?
3.) What sort of terrain are you hoping for, and what do you think it should do?
I'll start.
1.) Easily, Vampire Counts. Though I'd much rather get to see Tomb Kings, my guess is that this will be the only undead fix I get in Diskwars, so I'm going to enjoy it.
2.) I'm going to cheat here... Fear and Reanimate. Fear because I'm interested to see how prevalent it is in the VC army, and what it does to the cost of disks. I generally think of VC as a cheap horde army, but Fear seems a bit too powerful for that sort of army. So maybe not. As for Reanimate, I'm interested to see how it works on the table. Does it end up being sort of a free ranged attack that does it's damage in the melee round, or will I be able to find more creative ways to use it?
3.) Graveyards. I think we will get this, or at least terrain similar to this. I would expect it to be similar to what we have in the windmill, in that it will allow you to reanimate troops there outside of your normal range, or perhaps give some benefit to undead units. But mostly I just want it for the fluffiness it will add to battles. The terrain so far has been fairly generic and I just can't wait to see more terrain that tells a story about where and why this battle is taking place.
I'll post this over at BGG too just to get a different group of people. So feel free to pick your favorite forum to answer in.